A question Aboug Optomitrists.

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A question Aboug Optomitrists.

Post by NakedAge »

Have you noticed they're always sooooo, happy? And energetic? And enthusiastic? What is it? Do they see the world in a different way? Does being an optomitrist make you optemistic? It's not a bad thing, just I went to see one on Saturday morning and it was different to the normal one I go to, he was amazed I could see him at all because apparently my eyes are so fucked up that if they fixed them my world would be so warped I wouldn't wear the glasses. But still I thought "this man is very happy" much like every other optometrist I've ever been to.

Whats the deal? Do they train them like that? Nurses are usually nice to, but occasionally you can get a bitch one and alot of doctors can be very, un caring, but optomitrists, are surprsing.......................

I wonder how happy a proctologist gets?