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Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:47 am
almax wrote:wasnt he the psychologist that tried to measure the male orgasm?
he did more than that, he created the Orgon energy accumulator,

he could capture life energy, Chi as the chinese call it,

he developed the Cloudbuster, a device that can manipulate the weather.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:06 pm
by apophenian
Hmm, definitely interesting - still haven't watched the 2 hour video yet.

So basically they are saying that by spinning a giant (superconducting) electromagnet around at extremely fast speeds, you can create an gravitomagnetic field, which then propels your craft.

Wikipedia (fwiw) says this about gravitomagnetism:

Incomplete understanding of the meaning of the similarity of the gravitomagnetic formulas, above, and Maxwell's equations for (real) electricity and magnetism have given rise to fringe physics. Use of the gravitomagnetic analogy for a simplified form of the Einstein field equations, on the other hand, is firmly part of General Relativity. It is an approximation to the current standard theory of gravitation, and has testable predictions, which are in the final stages of being directly tested by the Gravity Probe B experiment. Despite the use of the word magnetism in gravitomagnetism, and despite the similarity of the GEM force laws to the (real) electromagnetic force law, gravitomagnetism should not be confused with any of the following:

(Obviously wikipedia is a part of the global conspiracy)

Asides from that, my understanding of gravity, at least as Einstein saw it was that it was a direct result of the geometry of spacetime, ie matter curves space and time and only operates as an attractive force.

However, the wonderful thing about science is that theories can be proved right and wrong through diligent experimentation, so what can be the harm in doing research in this area.

18 feet. Sounds more like a tapeworm or something...


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:55 pm
by NakedAge
its all about the chi baby. Like in that movie with the british surfers.

When everythings in harmony, you can float and shit. Or, float like shit :D hehehe nah

Did any of you ever watch the show called 'absolute zero'? It was about the coldest temperatures ever recorded etc.

It was all about cooling liquids to super liquids and shit.

If they want to defy gravity, couldn't they stretch it so it thins out around an object? Magnets and shit? Then use the ummmm, like, the opposite charge of that magnet, around the outside, so that you have the stretch stop at the boundries of the magnet, because the opposite charge is then squishing it back into place? I'm really crap at shit like this but, like, you know how if you have elastic, and you bend the ends in with something in the middle, well, imagine the bit that dips down as the gravitational pull, say that of the Earth, now, when you pull the ends it stretches straight, what ever is in the dip, then shoots UP, of course then it goes down because gravity pulls it, but, say then that elastic was stiffened, or magnetic or what ever, when it comes down, shouldn't it hover abover where it was, because that, dip caused by the pulling down, or the pushing in of the 2 ends are gone, because it's been pulled straight?


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:41 am
by fooishbar
apophenian wrote:So basically they are saying that by spinning a giant (superconducting) electromagnet around at extremely fast speeds, you can create an gravitomagnetic field, which then propels your craft.
which is probably yet another violation of the first law of thermodynamics.


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:08 am
by apophenian
fooishbar wrote:
apophenian wrote:So basically they are saying that by spinning a giant (superconducting) electromagnet around at extremely fast speeds, you can create an gravitomagnetic field, which then propels your craft.
which is probably yet another violation of the first law of thermodynamics.
Yeah sounds suspiciously like a perpetual motion machine to me


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:15 pm
by NakedAge
They've figured out how to make zero gravity allready. They have a room for it in I think Cape Canavoral or somewhere. Zero gravity transport tho, in my eyes means, more like travelling through a zero gravity atmosphere, Ie: Swimming through the air in a zero gravity room. So, they make an object that defies gravity, but still. What goes up must come down. They're still going to land the thing eventually.. .. What happens then? As soon as it gets close to the Earth, everything with in its proximity of the charge becomes zero gravity as well and landing strip blokes with the flags start floating and shit? OR, as its getting sucked DOWN by gravity, it would need a stronger pull so, everything near it would become heavier?

It seems a bit half planned. What goes up must come down. So, fine, they can get this UFO thing up, but, how the fuck are they gonna get it down?

If they get zero gravity in a room, and, some how manage to transfer it to this, one donut shaped thing with super liquids and shit, and it becomes zero gravity and floats, won't the weight of the top half of the craft then push that zero gravity donut shaped object down? Because, the weight of the top, cock pit part, isn't zero gravity, just the engine is. There for if you put something in the ENGINE, it'll float, but, the outside won't, so, if this engine is weightless and the cockpit isn't, hows it going to take off with the weight of the cock pit pinning it down?

I think its more a question of getting this super liquid around the WHOLE object, not just the base, and then, looking at the aero dynamics of it. .. It would mean the pilots would need anti gravity boots and shit so they're not floating out of their seats. Essentially, creating the conditions in an anti-gravity room, but, a mobile anti-gravity room. Because to get this thing to float, with no gravity, you need to take gravity away from around the OUTSIDE of it, if it's going to fly in the Earth, wouldn't you then need to make, the Earth zero gravity? Other wise, you need to contain that anti-gravity, and make the whole craft weightless, which means the cockpit has to be weightless to so it doesn't weigh down this anti-gravity engine, because otherwise wouldnt the engine just, float to the level of the cockpit and be trapped? then it won't get up?

Maybe, more an atomic shaped object? Like, a ball in the middle, with 2 rings around it, with this anti-gravity shit in it, keeping the outside uneffected, whilst the inside remains zero gravity.

Did you ever think maybe all these aliens and shit are forced to land here in their Ufo's because Earth has a gravitational pull? And maybe their super hightech kick ass anti-gravity machines we're trying to copy are getting sucked into our atmosphere? Maybe they're not using anti-gravity technology? You still need thrust to break the pull.

It doesn't add up to me. It can understand the inside, but not the outside.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:11 pm
by almax
deejaypcp wrote: No matter how well you contain graivty, you're not going to contain the friction of air passing over an object at speed.

a bit of a delay here in response to this, but is there anything in that link which explains the friction less state of a super fluid?


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:03 pm
by fooishbar
NakedAge wrote:They've figured out how to make zero gravity allready. They have a room for it in I think Cape Canavoral or somewhere. Zero gravity transport tho, in my eyes means, more like travelling through a zero gravity atmosphere, Ie: Swimming through the air in a zero gravity room. So, they make an object that defies gravity, but still. What goes up must come down. They're still going to land the thing eventually.. .. What happens then? As soon as it gets close to the Earth, everything with in its proximity of the charge becomes zero gravity as well and landing strip blokes with the flags start floating and shit? OR, as its getting sucked DOWN by gravity, it would need a stronger pull so, everything near it would become heavier?

It seems a bit half planned. What goes up must come down. So, fine, they can get this UFO thing up, but, how the fuck are they gonna get it down?

If they get zero gravity in a room, and, some how manage to transfer it to this, one donut shaped thing with super liquids and shit, and it becomes zero gravity and floats, won't the weight of the top half of the craft then push that zero gravity donut shaped object down? Because, the weight of the top, cock pit part, isn't zero gravity, just the engine is. There for if you put something in the ENGINE, it'll float, but, the outside won't, so, if this engine is weightless and the cockpit isn't, hows it going to take off with the weight of the cock pit pinning it down?

I think its more a question of getting this super liquid around the WHOLE object, not just the base, and then, looking at the aero dynamics of it. .. It would mean the pilots would need anti gravity boots and shit so they're not floating out of their seats. Essentially, creating the conditions in an anti-gravity room, but, a mobile anti-gravity room. Because to get this thing to float, with no gravity, you need to take gravity away from around the OUTSIDE of it, if it's going to fly in the Earth, wouldn't you then need to make, the Earth zero gravity? Other wise, you need to contain that anti-gravity, and make the whole craft weightless, which means the cockpit has to be weightless to so it doesn't weigh down this anti-gravity engine, because otherwise wouldnt the engine just, float to the level of the cockpit and be trapped? then it won't get up?

Maybe, more an atomic shaped object? Like, a ball in the middle, with 2 rings around it, with this anti-gravity shit in it, keeping the outside uneffected, whilst the inside remains zero gravity.

Did you ever think maybe all these aliens and shit are forced to land here in their Ufo's because Earth has a gravitational pull? And maybe their super hightech kick ass anti-gravity machines we're trying to copy are getting sucked into our atmosphere? Maybe they're not using anti-gravity technology? You still need thrust to break the pull.

It doesn't add up to me. It can understand the inside, but not the outside.
:shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:08 pm
by almax
fooishbar wrote: :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust
sums it up nicely



Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:13 pm
by same o
fooishbar wrote: :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust

:shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow: disgust :shock: :tard: :tard: :smt017 :dontknow:


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:42 pm
by deejaypcp
i like this guy. looks like he's cueing or something.
he's got no legs. is he floating in space?


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:46 pm
by almax
looks a bit like a beholder


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:53 pm
by deejaypcp
NakedAge wrote: Did you ever think maybe all these aliens and shit are forced to land here in their Ufo's because Earth has a gravitational pull?
yeah. all these aliens and shit. just cruising round the universe unaware of the earth's or any other bodies gravitational pull.

god, considering my extremely limited knowledge of physics it's completely absurd the I'm the voice of reason here.
has anyone seen back to the future 3?
It sucks. Don't bother.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:00 pm
by L-J
maybe all vehicles should come with their own flux capacator.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:35 pm
by fooishbar
deejaypcp wrote:has anyone seen back to the future 3?
It sucks. Don't bother.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:56 pm
by almax
deejaypcp wrote: considering my extremely limited knowledge of physics it's completely absurd the I'm the voice of reason here.
whoops, i read this...
deejaypcp wrote:Sorry dude, I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud, but I'm a year 12 physics / chemistry student with a bit of extra knowledge
...a little too quick and i had it in my mind that you wrote 12 year physics student, like you were studying for a doctorate or something.
Is there no Physics specialists here?
I ran this past a friend of dboys who is right into his physics (university educated and i think he works in the field, please confirm dboy) and he said it was solid enough to be plausible, he mentioned that as far out as it sounds, almost all leaps in science/technology sounded crazy at the time before it was tested and proven.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:59 pm
by fooishbar
i studied physics at uni, but really any sense of bullshit detection is more important.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:08 pm
by almax
oh really, so please explain why this theory is bullshit?

I find it difficult to swallow your pessimism
do you think that anti gravity is just not possible or that this particular
theory on achieving it is bullshit?

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:10 pm
by fooishbar
i just assume that physics freaks who have spent their lives doing this stuff, as opposed to people on youtube and forums, will probably be the first to know.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:13 pm
by fooishbar
hang on, have you actually _read_ the wikipedia page on superfluids?

i just did, and while they're pretty cool, none of what anyone's said about them since has followed from there, at all.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:28 pm
by almax
ok well the guy that posted the video is quite obviously a physics freak, and if you were a physics freak what kind of job would you generally be expected to be employed in?
Maybe construction? heaps of options but who would you be working for where they would commision you to research on an anti-gravity project?
Do you think Grollo Corp would? no
NASA- yes
Other National Governments- yes
So what im saying is, this technology probably does exist, but perhaps it hasnt been released.
There are so many reasons why these kinds of organisations would keep this technology under wraps. For one, the US military dont need to release it as no one can/has challenged them with their current technology.
I bet if China caught up to them and a war started this technology would certainly come out then if it is in fact real.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:31 pm
by almax
fooishbar wrote:hang on, have you actually _read_ the wikipedia page on superfluids?

i just did, and while they're pretty cool, none of what anyone's said about them since has followed from there, at all.
what do you mean? yes i read it, but im no physics nut so alot of it went over my head, that why i asked the question...
almax wrote:is there anything in that link which explains the friction less state of a super fluid?


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:30 pm
by deejaypcp
almax wrote:
deejaypcp wrote: considering my extremely limited knowledge of physics it's completely absurd the I'm the voice of reason here.
whoops, i read this...
deejaypcp wrote:Sorry dude, I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud, but I'm a year 12 physics / chemistry student with a bit of extra knowledge
...a little too quick and i had it in my mind that you wrote 12 year physics student, like you were studying for a doctorate or something.
Is there no Physics specialists here?
I ran this past a friend of dboys who is right into his physics (university educated and i think he works in the field, please confirm dboy) and he said it was solid enough to be plausible, he mentioned that as far out as it sounds, almost all leaps in science/technology sounded crazy at the time before it was tested and proven.
Yeah nah, no doctorate man, I just have too much time on my hands and I'm good at sounding like I know what I'm talking about.

Sorry Almax, no offense, and yes, I've probably contradicted myself or at least seem like a wanker now.
BUT - I was having a go at Naked Ages wild UFO idea. sorry, but that was a total pisser as it makes little sense.

I do have a fairly logical mind and understand enough of the basics of physics to at least bring some sense of practicality to these threads. I'm a skeptic also and am pretty cynical about conspiracy theories.

I didn't read the wiki on Superfluids, I tend to stay away from Wiki for scientific stuff, it's a bit too random.

This site is a proper scientific site and has some way more interesting and proven stuff on it.... I shit you not.
The New Journal of Physics.

You're obviously pretty interested in this stuff, so why not try and understand the basics of it, the wilder ideas are for more easier to grasp with a basic understanding of, for example Newton's laws.

Also - I mean what I said about Back to the Future 3, stay away it's really sucks cocks in hell.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:56 pm
by almax
Ha, unfortunately your warning on BTTF 3 is too late, too many times it has been on TV and i have had nothing to do and watched it, my eyes havent been the same since.

Thanks for the link, yes this stuff does interest me, wish i paid attention in high school now, damn teachers, if only they made things more interesting than the blonde sitting in front of me!
deejaypcp wrote:I was having a go at Naked Ages wild UFO idea. sorry, but that was a total pisser as it makes little sense.
:scr1pt: to that :tard:
Look while i pose all these ideas and i have an open mind, im still skeptical, thats why i come here and ask you guys to shed some light on it for me, i mean, this guys seems to know what his talking about, but i dont really know so it helps to get other points of view.
All i ask is for you guys to either go "wow thats cool" or say "this is bullshit, and here is why A) B) and C)" but so far most of it has just been people saying its bullshit cause they think its bullshit without a detailed reason.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:52 pm
by apophenian
I disagree. I pointed out early that the phenomena of gravitomagnetism as he describes it is completely different from the gravitomagnetism that derives from einstein's theory of relativity. The whole idea of superfluids, to me at least, is a sideshow to the main concept that a spinning superconducting electromagnet will negate or nullify the effects of gravity.

Which I believe is bullshit.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:56 pm
by fooishbar
but it's okay, energy is free! you can spin it really fucking fast because it's a perpetual motion machine. no, wait, powered by cold fusion.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:32 pm
You guys know that obama has released anti gravity technology?

its no secret

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:40 pm
by almax
fooishbar wrote:i agree, jumping to conclusions based on zero evidence is probably not really the way forward.
Please point out where i have jumped to any conclusion, i have simply been asking for explanations and asking questions /edit
fooishbar wrote:but it's okay, energy is free! you can spin it really fucking fast because it's a perpetual motion machine. no, wait, powered by cold fusion.

i find your attitude in this thread really pathetic and not constructive in any way shape or form, how about you grow up and stop being so patronizing, or at the very least, stop posting in here.
apophenian wrote:I disagree. I pointed out early that the phenomena of gravitomagnetism as he describes it is completely different from the gravitomagnetism that derives from einstein's theory of relativity. The whole idea of superfluids, to me at least, is a sideshow to the main concept that a spinning superconducting electromagnet will negate or nullify the effects of gravity.

Which I believe is bullshit.
again, you believe its bullshit
why is it bullshit? thats all im asking for here

you also said this
apophenian wrote:
However, the wonderful thing about science is that theories can be proved right and wrong through diligent experimentation, so what can be the harm in doing research in this area.
which i couldn't agree more with, i think we need to realize that knowledge is always evolving, there is yet to be an elegant unifying theory. Any belief system, (including dogmatic science) which claims to "know" anything, without allowing for dispute, is a failed perspective.
SONUS wrote:You guys know that obama has released anti gravity technology?

its no secret
this is not helping as its posted by the same guy

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:32 am
by fooishbar
almax wrote:
fooishbar wrote:but it's okay, energy is free! you can spin it really fucking fast because it's a perpetual motion machine. no, wait, powered by cold fusion.

i find your attitude in this thread really pathetic and not constructive in any way shape or form, how about you grow up and stop being so patronizing, or at the very least, stop posting in here.
i don't see how my 'this is contradictory to basic physics' opinion is any less constructive than your 'science hasn't figured it out but by god this guy who wrote an article with sciencey words and no actual science is on to something' opinion, but you're right, i'm out.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:25 am
by same o

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:26 am
by almax
its not that your input is unwanted, just leave out the condescending tone, if thats too difficult for you then go play in your sandpit.
How can you say there is no science behind it, just from watching this video i have learnt soo much about physics, am am yet to be convinced that it will work, but there is definitely method to his madness.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:07 am
by nic
i find your attitude in this thread really pathetic and not constructive in any way shape or form, how about you grow up and stop being so patronizing, or at the very least, stop posting in here
put a donk on it

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:11 am
by deviant
sick that is

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:12 am
by same o

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:15 am
by nic
i can definately drop to that one
all we need now is like a hookline
you know what *mumbled northern accent* iv got the perfect one
now put a donk on it
ELECTRO *wwooooaaaawwwww* (oh sick that mate)
put a donk on
TECHNO *eeeehhhheeeuuugghhhhhwwwha* (oh now that is good)
put a donk on it


Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:19 am
by almax


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:20 am
by flippo
NakedAge wrote:They've figured out how to make zero gravity allready. They have a room for it in I think Cape Canavoral or somewhere. Zero gravity transport tho, in my eyes means, more like travelling through a zero gravity atmosphere, Ie: Swimming through the air in a zero gravity room. So, they make an object that defies gravity, but still. What goes up must come down. They're still going to land the thing eventually.. .. What happens then? As soon as it gets close to the Earth, everything with in its proximity of the charge becomes zero gravity as well and landing strip blokes with the flags start floating and shit? OR, as its getting sucked DOWN by gravity, it would need a stronger pull so, everything near it would become heavier?

It seems a bit half planned. What goes up must come down. So, fine, they can get this UFO thing up, but, how the fuck are they gonna get it down?

If they get zero gravity in a room, and, some how manage to transfer it to this, one donut shaped thing with super liquids and shit, and it becomes zero gravity and floats, won't the weight of the top half of the craft then push that zero gravity donut shaped object down? Because, the weight of the top, cock pit part, isn't zero gravity, just the engine is. There for if you put something in the ENGINE, it'll float, but, the outside won't, so, if this engine is weightless and the cockpit isn't, hows it going to take off with the weight of the cock pit pinning it down?

oh man who the fuck are these guys!? Nazi's? SPACE NAZIS?? ZIONIST NAZI SPACE LIZARDS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have another cone.
NakedAge wrote:Did you ever think maybe all these aliens and shit are forced to land here in their Ufo's because Earth has a gravitational pull?
I had a good chat with one of the ones who regularly land in our local park last week. Nice bloke actually. He didn't say anything about being forced to land here because of earth's gravitational pull. Although earth is the only body in the entire universe that has a gravitational pull as far as I'm aware because I've never been to another planet so I think it is formaly stated that you are probably onto something in a science based type way. (although some might argue that gravity has something to do with science which is a human construct afterall and is therefore probably not true). But yeah basically he was just landing here to score some really really really really fucking strong hydro skunk. I can't speak for ALL the aliens that are landing here, though.
NakedAge wrote: It doesn't add up to me.
did you carry the 2?

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:52 pm
by deejaypcp
So anyone set the Mets game?
Best shit this side of the asteroid belt.
Lucky I was wearing my anti-grav floaties in the pool though.
I coulda drownded and stuff ay, Cleatus?.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:17 pm
by deejaypcp
Sorry, not helping.

But can you guys post links to things a bit more credible than youtube or wiki?
I know this is just discussion, but a little more research on your part might help you guys not get so slayed or patronised.

This is what I mean - look at that.


that's so obviously bullshit. Even at lo-res level like this it looks crap. The shadows look wrong, for a start.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:21 pm
by flippo
not those little triangle foil electric things.

That's no more 'anti gravity' than a helicopter really.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:43 pm
by almax
yeah i think they are called lifters, they do actually lift but are, as flippo said, no more anti gravity than a helicopter and would also not work in a vacuum.
Look i realise that anti gravity devices have been debunked numerous times, but from what i can tell this is a new theory/device which has not been tested. All i wanted to do was bring it to your attention for discussion but it quickly dissolved into a pissing contest.
I have looked at a bunch of other anti gravity devices and while some are similar, none are as detailed and complex as the one proposed in the youtube video posted by "AlienScientist". I looked through his replys on youtube last night and someone has offered to build/produce the experiment with him so i guess we may have to wait and see.
Im looking for more information and im also researching trying to understand his claims but its a bit hard when im supposed to be working, maybe over the weekend i can find some things.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:54 pm
by deejaypcp
flippo wrote:not those little triangle foil electric things.

That's no more 'anti gravity' than a helicopter really.
Except that helicopters are real. And that photo is a fake.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:58 pm
by fooishbar
almax wrote:the youtube video posted by "AlienScientist"

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:00 pm
by deejaypcp
There has been a program on the abc about four or five times about perpetual motion machines.
It's pretty interesting stuff, and because it was on the abc and the footage was real it was a fair enough call to believe it.
I'm not discounting everything for the sake of it, but I'm also not going waste time watching youtube rants with fake photos about Obama. I'd rather waste my time being a pedantic wanker on Melbourne beats. ummm

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:03 pm
by almax
no that thing is real, but its not anti gravity, it creates thrust.

"The "antigravity lifter kit' is a triangular device made of foil that makes use of electromagnetic field to produce lift. They claimed that 30,000 volts through a wire creates a new gravitational field. The build team selected the device because of "interest from NASA" as well as documentation on Internet. They weren't sure how the "bifield ground effect" worked, so they set it up and put it to the test.

After a bit of debugging with the manufacturer, Grant was ready to give the device its first flight. Grant and Kari both screamed as the device floated off the table and flew towards them. They soon had it floating stably in midair.

Although they didn't fully understand how the device worked yet, there were signs it was not antigravity. They were able to measure 1.6mph of wind from the device, which meant that it was generating thrust, not antigravity. They retested the lifter in a vacuum: no flight, no antigravity."

They were able to figure out that the 30,000V one the wire ionized their air. The ionized air was attracted to the foil below it, creating thrust."

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:13 pm
by fooishbar
at least these ones are honest, and they tell you it requires a lot of energy. can i just say upfront that getting 30kV isn't really the easiest of tasks? it would be cool if energy was free thanks to magical superfluids, but it isn't. yes, superfluids exert interesting properties in some cases, but it's not generally applicable, and creating those particular conditions is fucking difficult. you can't just spray a can of this super-wd40 all over your car and have a flying datto 120y.

ps: nuclear explosions result from creating epic amounts of energy through chain reactions. so if you can work out how to create energy, there are probably many militaries and shady groups would love to have a chat.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:30 pm
by deejaypcp
fooishbar wrote:you can't just spray a can of this super-wd40 all over your car and have a flying datto 120y.
Shame though.

Almax, it's not the technology I'm talking about, maybe those triangles can lift. It's the medium.
Any fool can post any old bollocks on youtube.

It's more just that that photo looks fake and this video is supposed to be about anti-gravity, yet these triangles aren't.

See the point?

Without trying to sound patronising, I again suggest you start reading some stuff which has some basis in reality.
"The elegant universe" by Brian Greene may not be a bad place to start. It's pretty easy to understand.
It has a very good layman's explanation of relativity, without all the maths, and then some.
Heck you can even watch it.

or there's a naughty .pdf version i know nothing about.

Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:42 pm
by flippo
That book has some cool bits in it but it is unfortunatley a bit out dated now.
He does tend to air on the side of quantum mechanics = magic at points though. Or at least that is how you would interpret it if you were stoned when reading it. As I was. hehe

"As Deepak Chopra taught us, quantum physics means anything can happen at any time for absolutely no reason"


Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:12 pm
by deejaypcp
You're probably right about it being out-dated.
It's a better place to start delving into weird ideas like anti-gravity, anti-matter and the like than youtube or wikipedia.
Not so sure about the quantum mechanics = magic idea, I think he uses magic as a metaphor so non-science types can make some leaps of faith.
I was a bit ripped when I read some of it too.
I don't think he ever mentions jews, the illuminati, lizards or aliens. At least not in the context of Obama, dolphins or pyramids.

or this guy....


Re: ANTI GRAVITY TECHNOLOGY and the alma-X- files

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:43 pm
by apophenian
But he does mention the simpsons way too much...