Over heard this conversation last week.

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Post by mrj »

The Mixtress wrote:
mrj wrote:Dr Karl (not Lynt) is an idiot.

For some reason he seems to believe that if you say something quickly, loudly, and with enough authority that this makes it true.

This is not the case, it only makes it quick and loud. Sort of like sex with an adolescent Panda. Perhaps more painful though.
Halle-fucking-ujah. I have the same dislike for Karl. Used to love him until I started listening to him on the radio everyday and found so many faults in his answers that I lost all respect for him. Sad day :cry:

Did you know that if you left the earth in a spaceship and travelled for 10 earth years at the speed of light toward an object, then returned, you would be younger then when you left or at least wouldn't have aged at all?! This is where the time space continuum kicks my ass. On earth, you would be aging in earth time, but hurtling through space at the speed of light means you age at a slower rate b/c time is stopping for you.

As an object accelerates, time slows down relative to that object. It would seem to the traveller that time would have stopped, because nothing is travelling faster than him.

Even though it's been proven impossible, if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you'd be able to take off and turn around to watch yourself taking off.

Head fuck or what! FMF where are you?? :shock:
Um mixi you a little way iff

Time would pass at the normal rate for you (ie you would age normally) its just that time would be passing faster on earth.

So if you travel away from the earth at the speed of light (assuming constant velocity, which we know not to be true but will serve for this argument) for 5 years, and then back for 5, when you returned

- You would be 10 years older
- Everyone you knew on Earth would be 100 years older, which means that they would be dead, or at the very least like watching matlock and be scared of teenagers.

Last edited by mrj on Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrj »

This is because time is relative and varies depending on the velocity of observer!

So If I sit here and twiddle my thumbs, but you spend this time zooming around town on a motorbike time will actually pass at a faster rate for you than for me, but the effect would be small enough as to be negligble.

This has actually been proven with atomic clocks, where they sent some zooming about in airplanes, and left some still on the ground, and they actually did discover a very slight difference between the amount of time that had passed between the two groups.
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Post by system »

great_magnet wrote:
mrj wrote:
great_magnet wrote: I think that may have happened previously when you intimated that you have indulged in sexual congress with a rare teenage bear, purely for comparative purposes. Or maybe that's just me...
well, I heard they were dying out, and that they sometimes have trouble in getting them to mate. We all have to do what we can to save the Panda's you know.

I was actually just trying to impress this conservationist chick.

She wasn't.

I'm meeting the Panda for drinks on saturday though (paws crossed all goes well)
Good luck with that mate, I'd suggest taking her to the Bamboo House so she feels comfortable. Either that or tell the bar staff that you're on a location scout for the upcoming TV campaign for a new range of Bundaberg Rum pre-mixed drinks and the bear wanted to "get into character".
the staff might ask about the black spots. make sure you mention early on that it's just a disguise, due to an unfortunate stalking incident.

try not to order meat either. Image
DRS wrote:It’s uplifting while we drift through time,
‘cause we keep pushing the vibe.
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Post by mixtress »

mrj wrote:
The Mixtress wrote:
mrj wrote:Dr Karl (not Lynt) is an idiot.

For some reason he seems to believe that if you say something quickly, loudly, and with enough authority that this makes it true.

This is not the case, it only makes it quick and loud. Sort of like sex with an adolescent Panda. Perhaps more painful though.
Halle-fucking-ujah. I have the same dislike for Karl. Used to love him until I started listening to him on the radio everyday and found so many faults in his answers that I lost all respect for him. Sad day :cry:

Did you know that if you left the earth in a spaceship and travelled for 10 earth years at the speed of light toward an object, then returned, you would be younger then when you left or at least wouldn't have aged at all?! This is where the time space continuum kicks my ass. On earth, you would be aging in earth time, but hurtling through space at the speed of light means you age at a slower rate b/c time is stopping for you.

As an object accelerates, time slows down relative to that object. It would seem to the traveller that time would have stopped, because nothing is travelling faster than him.

Even though it's been proven impossible, if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you'd be able to take off and turn around to watch yourself taking off.

Head fuck or what! FMF where are you?? :shock:
Ummm Mixi. sorry mate you are way off (actually I just re-read your post, not way off, but a bit)

Time would pass at the normal rate for you (ie you would age normally) its just that time would be passing faster on earth.

So if you travel away from the earth at the speed of light (assuming constant velocity, which we know not to be true but will serve for this argument) for 5 years, and then back for 5, when you returned

- You would be 10 years older
- Everyone you knew on Earth would be 100 years older, which means that they would be dead, or at the very least like watching matlock and be scared of teenagers.

If I was not all that way off after you re-read it, why not just erase the words "Ummm Mixi. sorry mate you are way off..." instead of adding that maybe I wasn't as far off as you first thought I was. That seems a bit :roll:

And I actually thought it was a pretty good point, bringing the aging factor into it.

You suck :cry:
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Re: Over heard this conversation last week.

Post by deviant »

lynt wrote:Picture this. Two dudes who have never met (one was a friend). This stranger comes up to him and says

"Can I ask you a question..."


"Picture yourself in a vehicle, any vehicle and you're travelling at the speed of light. You're travelling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on. What happens?"
On the subject of random conversations......

An Autistic dude came up to me in Mighty Music the other day and just goes....

"Do notice anything wierd about the number 990779000779(can't remember the exact number) ?"

I said "ummm, it's got only 9s and 7s?"

he goes "AND 0s", I said "oh yeah"..

Then he goes... "990779000779 is a prime number with no factors, but 77099077099 is NOT a prime number. Don't you find that strange?"

I was like, "I s'pose" :smt102

Then he launched into this highly complex series of mathimatical explainations, as he noticed that I was feeling a little uncomfortable he kind of started wandering off while still reciting the mathimatical reasons for his initial question under his breath.

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Re: Over heard this conversation last week.

Post by mixtress »

deviant wrote:
lynt wrote:Picture this. Two dudes who have never met (one was a friend). This stranger comes up to him and says

"Can I ask you a question..."


"Picture yourself in a vehicle, any vehicle and you're travelling at the speed of light. You're travelling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on. What happens?"
On the subject of random conversations......

An Autistic dude came up to me in Mighty Music the other day snd just goes....

"Do notice anything wierd about the number 990779000779(can't remember the exact number) ?"

I said "ummm, it's got only 9s and 7s?"

he goes "AND 0s", I said "oh yeah"..

Then he goes... "990779000779 is a prime number with no factors, but 77099077099 is NOT a prime number. Don't you find that stange?"

I was like, "I s'pose" :smt102

Then he launched into this highly complex series of mathimatical explainations, as he noticed that I was feeling a little uncomfortable he kind of started wandering off while still reciting the mathimatical reasons for his initial question under his breath.

That sounds like fun! I woulda been all over him like a dirty shit, picking his brains til next Sunday :D
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Post by mrj »

no wuckers. edited.
He's climbing in your windows, he's snatching your people up.
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