the purpose of this thread is to let everyone know what features are coming to the site. it is also a poignant reminder to myself of what work needs to be done (and a homage to lucas).
calendar system for events
rss feeds
"number of replies" feature
document the ways in which people can help melbourne beats
front page update
local/external photo gallery integration
if you have a suggestion for the site please post it in the help and feedback forum for everyone to comment on.
DRS wrote:It’s uplifting while we drift through time,
‘cause we keep pushing the vibe.
I know this aint important but in the prosilver skin is it possible to put the melbournebeats logo up top instead of the phpBB one? Would look heaps radder!
no more epilepsy raptor jesus
no more epilepsy raptor jesus
andy_hoffman wrote:I know this aint important but in the prosilver skin is it possible to put the melbournebeats logo up top instead of the phpBB one? Would look heaps radder!
andy_hoffman wrote:And how come no quick reply in prosilver?
prosilver hasn't been modified yet and i shouldn't have even made it available yet. i'll do the mods over the weekend if i get time - pretty flat out at work right now.
DRS wrote:It’s uplifting while we drift through time,
‘cause we keep pushing the vibe.
andy_hoffman wrote:I know this aint important but in the prosilver skin is it possible to put the melbournebeats logo up top instead of the phpBB one? Would look heaps radder!
andy_hoffman wrote:And how come no quick reply in prosilver?
prosilver hasn't been modified yet and i shouldn't have even made it available yet. i'll do the mods over the weekend if i get time - pretty flat out at work right now.
Ah ok yeah no worries. I don't know anythin bout that sorta stuff. I just thought mods would cover both skins. All good. Good work on the upgrades tho man! Doin a wicked job!
no more epilepsy raptor jesus