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Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:05 am
by andy_hoffman
After the success of the last one, I think it would be great to put on another fire aid to help raise some money again for the victims of the bushfires. I'd be glad to donate my time and efforts to help put this on again.

I've got some friends who lost their family homes yesterday and it's pretty devastating!
I'm sure there are others on here who know people too.

What do you reckon guys?

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:07 am
by FoundationStepper
It would be good to do whatever we can... its numbingly extreme

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:25 am
by Robot Rod
I will be down.
Just got off the phone with my best mate, his ex-wive and son lost everything last night in King Lake. Now they are in Yea i think..

Fuckin full on man !

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:29 am
by FoundationStepper
the aerial footage of marysville is astonishing.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:30 am
by obliveus
I'm in. How can I help.

:scr1pt: on everything ya'll have said. Mates parents had to evacuate last night as they weren't too far from King Lake. Had fuck all time to pack up, fingers crossed their house didn't burn down.

Needs more chicken to the rescue.


Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:19 pm
by breaksRbest
Sorry, but I'd hardly call the last Fire Aid a 'success'

I learnt that people would rather help a charity in another country than in their own backyard, that party seriously put me off doing charity events ever again.

Sorry to be a neg about it, just telling it how it is.

Good Luck with it if you decide to do it though

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:20 pm
by Lizkins
if it goes to some fund to help families i am in again. is there one set up?

will let Glenny tell you how it all went down at the end giving the money to the fire firefighters and animal services

i reckon we learnt a lot doing the last one as well, i.e. 24 hours didn't really work, we should have done the art auction before the whole thing started, and there was some other things but can't remember right now. i still have the business name fireaid and all the documents from the last one

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:21 pm
by Lizkins
d'oh just came in before my post Glenny, had a feeling you would feel that way. so much work and the end result was a bit of a kick in the pants really

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:41 pm
by andy_hoffman
I wasn't aware of that Glenny. The event itself seemed to be a success and now we know to do things slightly differently.

I'd love to have a part in the next fireaid but I don't have the experience or knowledge to put it on. Hopefully somebody who organized the last one is keen to do it again.
I'm sure there's tonnes of people keen to DJ and or promote like me but there's all the other organisation that I know nothing about. If someone could put their hand up that'd be great!

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:49 pm
by apophenian
My partner and I would like to help in any way we can :)

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:57 pm
by ghetto kitty
bigups you guys for wanting to help.

One of my friends lost his family home, and he's overseas right now.

However, I feel the same way about these kind of charity events. The Art Auction alone was a lot of work and I didn't have much help.

Ill come and donate and show my support, but I cant devote that much time/effort right now beyond that.

Could float the idea of doing it again at Miss Libertine if you want to do it there though....let me know...

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:11 pm
by breaksRbest
Andy, I'm happy to meet with you to discuss what's involved and tell you where I think we went wrong last time.

Obliveus has also put on a charity event for Starlight Foundation (Melbourne Breaks Unite) so he'd be able to offer some advice too.

I agree with Liz that any money raised should go to the families who've been devastated by this. Hopefully there'll be more community support this time around, as the event really does rely on it, by that I mean sponsors etc, not just the punters turning up

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:30 pm
by andy_hoffman
Thanks Glenny! I'd prefer the money to go to families too. Be good to get some big sponsors too as there was a lot more devastation than last time I think.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:40 pm
by ghetto kitty
Also, I am happy to put the call out for artists if you want to do another auction, just cant coordinate the whole process myself.

We raised quite a bit that way, glenny, how much was it again? I think about 5k?

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:51 pm
by breaksRbest
total amount raised for the whole event (including the art auction) was just over 7K

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:02 pm
by Andrez
Yep, even over here in Japan it's big news - unbelievable. I'm in to help, anyway I can from here.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:42 pm
by NakedAge
I dont know if I can do anything but if I can help in anyway let me know

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:46 pm
by J Gal
We just went for a drive around Bendigo (the fires were 5km from our place)... Its fucked. So many houses are gone, i've never seen anything like it. I'm prepared to donate money but the last fireaid was hard work. And there wasn't as much support as we thought. Glenny and Bo and so many other people put in so much time and effort to make it successful. I'm sure Miss L's will help out again. Its devastating up here. I;ll never get over what i saw. It brought me to tears, seeing families standing outside what were there houses. Its totally totally fucked. We're a small town too, so its going to effect alot of people. A good friend of mines sister was trying to save her house last nite. Another friend of mines rental place burnt down (fortunatly she moved out last week!) It felt like armagedeon up here yesterday. Its a day i'll never ever forget. We had ash falling from the sky and so so much smoke. Totally devastating. All my love goes out to people that have been affected.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:56 pm
by ghetto kitty
full on. glad you guys are okay babe. cant imagine what it must be like to lose your entire house and belongings.
really scary times on planet earth.

If another event happens, it needs more big sponsors, as glenny said, to assist with more mainstream advertising. We had a great team for Fire aid 1, and loads of support from people here, and again, there is plenty of great people among us who want to donate time and energy, but charity events need a wider demographic than MB to work, to raise enough cash to make it worthwhile.

We did a charity art auction when the Burma crisis happened too, and got Care australia on board, who were one of the only aid groups allowed into the country at that time, and they promoted it heaps for us.
might be best to approach a charity that is already set up to assist the families and get on board with them? just a suggestion...

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:57 pm
by quick
far out J, I feel for you and everyone effected... fukn floods in Qld as well... why couldn't the 2 states work together, it would even out.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:12 pm
by breaksRbest
Glad you're O.K J-Gal, sorry to hear about B-Town and your friends

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:32 pm
by deviant
bigups andy..... I think you can do this... you would have everyone's support, I know I'd be in for a pound :)

thoughts go out to affected peoples :(

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:46 pm
by spiral

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:51 pm
by huge
ive got a mate who lives out near king lake. he says its way worse than the media is saying. many many more fatalities.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:24 pm
by Hardy
Toll has hit 65 so far. This is a fucking dark day :(

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:42 pm
by breaksRbest
this is MUCH worse than the fires pre Fire Aid

If Fire Aid is gonna be done again it will need to be on a larger scale, heaps larger

let me know if you wanna have a meeting this week

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:53 pm
by Lizkins
shit Jay, glad you are okay, and thoughts go out to all who have been affected.

Andy - agree with Glenny and Dan, i reckon you can do this, there is plenty of support on here to get the job done. let me know if you have a meeting and i will bring the paperwork along if ya need it.

maybe it could be a joint thing for QLD floods too? Floods and Fires?

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:25 pm
by Lizkins
just had a thought re the art side of the things, so GK ain't taking care of it all, maybe we could look to the MB artists and photographers on here to contribute. no pressure or anything just a thought. of course the feelers could go out again, we had some wicked pieces at the last one

...that is if you are keen to do an auction again

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:27 pm
by NakedAge
I can't offer alot, but, maybe some party gear (Some lights or something)? I don't know how big the last one was but if you need a venue maybe I can help? Infact I just compiled a list of venues a few minutes ago for future events I anticipate to host, but yeah guys. I know I can't help alot but if you need stuff like that that I might be able to help with please let me know.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:34 pm
by shepherd
benefit gigs are great but these people need help now ... why not just donate $100-200 bucks to the Red Cross if you feel compelled to help. Or donate blood this week. Much easier that trying to organise a gig and run the risk that people won't support.

Help is needed right now.

edit: don't want to sound negative about past events ... fire aid/beat aid were fantastic events organised by a crew of extremely selfless people ... all i'm trying to say is donating time is great but donating money is better and would probably help more in the immediate term in this situation.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:41 pm
by Mellogs
To be honest I was shocked and disgusted at the last Fire Aid (Not at the organisers or to those that donated their time/equipment/art etc)

It was clear that many people spent more money on drugs and alcohol than donations (eg. those who expected free guest-list) I felt embarrassed that many pieces of art were flogged for $5 or purchased by the organisers. For the most part it appeared like it was just another good excuse to get waisted. Seriously grow up! It is expected that the death toll will reach over 100 and more than 650 families will be spending tonight homeless.

If you really want to help - make an appointment tomorrow to donate blood, donate money to the Red Cross, donate non-perishables to the food relief fund and find out where you can help.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:49 pm
by NakedAge
People offer what they can. Not everyone can donate blood. Not everyone keeps perishables, not everyone has money to spare.

If I come across a donation line I'll give what I can, but if people can help in other ways, Ie: Events, then why not? For a longer term kind of thing. Everyone wants to help. Don't knock people about how they do it, be greatful that they give what they can no matter how much or how little.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:56 pm
by ghetto kitty
i agree with shep and mellogs.

needs to happen now, not in two weeks or more.

a party just isnt the right kind of event to raise lots of cash either, unless its on a massive scale, imho.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:02 pm
by NakedAge
leave it for now, do it when its appropriate, but every bit helps, thats all. Don't start ripping on ideas right now, start being constructive, not critical.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:04 pm
by Mellogs
NakedAge wrote:People offer what they can. Not everyone can donate blood. Not everyone keeps perishables, not everyone has money to spare.

If I come across a donation line I'll give what I can, but if people can help in other ways, Ie: Events, then why not? For a longer term kind of thing. Everyone wants to help. Don't knock people about how they do it, be greatful that they give what they can no matter how much or how little.

You're right NakedAge, not everyone can donate time, food, blood or money. I made a statement about my feelings from the last Fire Aid which was shared by many in the community and others who attended.

I personally find it disrespectful that so many people have died and lost everything – as yet for some its just another opportunity to get waisted.

If people want to organise another event for the long-term, I will gladly donate the services of an Auctioneer again plus my own time and money.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:12 pm
by Hardy
shepherd wrote:benefit gigs are great but these people need help now ... why not just donate $100-200 bucks to the Red Cross if you feel compelled to help. Or donate blood this week. Much easier that trying to organise a gig and run the risk that people won't support.

Help is needed right now.

edit: don't want to sound negative about past events ... fire aid/beat aid were fantastic events organised by a crew of extremely selfless people ... all i'm trying to say is donating time is great but donating money is better and would probably help more in the immediate term in this situation.

I'm gonna donate a couple hundred bucks. I don't need a party to inspire me to part with cash for this.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:17 pm
by apophenian
Good call!

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:17 pm
by NakedAge
well yeah so will I. I dont know anything about the last fire aid thing cos I wasnt around for it, all I know is, I organise events and it seems to me it was some kind of event, so I've put 2 and 2 together and said "well I might be able to offer something" and I will. If I could organise a free venue, then maybe the venue costs could be used to kick off the funds, orrrr rather than hiring a peice of equipment, maybe I could loan it and then that fee could be donated to the appeal. But right now, the fires are still burning. When the oppertunity arrises to offer hard cash I will.

Blood, I dont know if I'm allegible. Perishable goods, I dont think we have any, Clothes, well. We emptied our wardrobes last week and donated them... Before this happend, before we knew it would.

... .... They're saying they're suspicious of fire starters... Can you imagine some dick would start this?

How can someone, on the hottest day in history be so stupid as to light a fire? Or even smoke a cigerette?

I wish smoking was banned, from everywhere. ....

I work in hardware, so, I'm hoping theres something my work can do as far as offering supplys to the rebuilding effort.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:19 pm
by NakedAge
One other thing............. I'm curious to know the effect this will have on water restrictions

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:24 pm
by NakedAge
1800 811 700.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:26 pm
by Hardy
NakedAge wrote:
... .... They're saying they're suspicious of fire starters... Can you imagine some dick would start this?

Whilst i'm no forensic ass motherfucker, I find it impossible to fathom how the police/fire brigade could able to tell if a fire was deliberately lit. Seriously, I just don't see how they they do it.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:27 pm
by Hardy
NakedAge wrote:1800 811 700.

Tiime to get yo red crosses on bitchez

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:36 pm
by NakedAge
We just rang, was engaged.

Hardy, neither do I, but, they reckon even something like a cigerette butt. I don't understand how the fires can start on their own. Can a bush just, spontaneously combust? I know, that lightening can but, I dont know.

I think they need to start new drastic measures. Our water supplys will take a beating, and with the recent heatwave and global warming and shit, well, welcome to the new world. Get ready for fucking, Mad Max scenarios I reclon

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:41 pm
by andy_hoffman
People are going to need ongoing help for this. It's not like they're not gonna need donations 2 months down the track. Donating money now is great of course but I don't see the problem with putting on another event which WILL raise money and WILL help those in need.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:45 pm
by NakedAge
Yeah but thats 2 months from now, not now. You need to prioritise. Right now peoples lives come first, when the smoke clears, then peoples livelyHOODS become the priority. THATS when you get on the gig front. If your really that desperate I'm having a meeting Friday night with my guys to discuss our gigs that we throw (Generally) I'd be happy to open it to this.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:50 pm
by paranoid edge
I'm in!

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:58 pm
by andy_hoffman
Mellogs wrote: I personally find it disrespectful that so many people have died and lost everything – as yet for some its just another opportunity to get waisted.
As NakedAge said earlier, some people can't spare the cash at the moment. I'm one of those people. I don't see the problem with doing something that i think can really help.

I don't see how this is disrespectful at all! People are still gonna be getting wasted every weekend regardless of whether people have died or homes have been lost. It's not going to change because of this. Party's still happen every night in melbourne. Why not use this as an opportunity to raise money to help these people in need?

Would you rather i organised a bowls tournament where no drinking or drug taking is allowed? Would you feel better if it was done this way?

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:16 pm
by NakedAge
Well, I've played gigs where people have a game of bowls to background chillaxed beats then, when it gets dark go into the hall for a anal slammige of a fucking good time... One of the best gigs I ever did. You know that bowls club on Fitzroy St? It happend there years ago. They were my favourite clients.

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:23 pm
by Hardy
76 now confirmed dead

Re: FIRE AID 2??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:26 pm
by NakedAge
So grows the cost of global warming