Let's talk vocals

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Let's talk vocals

Post by a1studmuffin »

Anyone got any tips and tricks on how they process vocals to slot into a mix? In particular, how much compression to use, what freq range to emphasise, what kind of effects (like delay and reverb) and how much to use, additional effects, etc., side-banding the mix, and so on. It's a pretty broad topic and I'm just starting to get to the point where I want to include vocals in my tracks but I don't want them to stand out like a sore thumb... they need to have the same sexy gel over them that the mix does. ;)

On a similar note, the same thing sort of applies with samples. Listening to DJ Shadow's Entroducing, there's a whoole bunch of samples in there and they all gel really well into the mix, yet when I try to do it they stand out like a sore thumb. It seems there's more to it than just adjusting the volume level, maybe EQing + compressing it, and throwing some reverb or echo on there.

I suspect magic.
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Post by Carnival »

Nothing too magical about this but seems to work for me, good very much.

Compress at a ratio of 3.5:1 or 4:1 and aim for about 4-5 db gain reduction, (obviously set make up gain accordingly).
Then eq boosting between 3 to 4 khz (usually a bit closer to 3k) by 5 db and cutting 500 - 600 hz by around 3 db. Also experiment with boosting higher freqs (7 k - 12k) by a small margin (again around 3 or so db). Ive found by boosting these higher range frequencies,when i comes to putting reverb on it can really enhance the effect nicely.

Reverb, just experiment i guess, trial and error till you find something u thing really helps it cut thru the mix well. Then set ur level fader accordingly(!)

Again not magic but ive stuck with this approach for a while, it is nice, i like, i hope u like.
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Post by Spherix »


there arent any rules iwth compression, you want to copmpress something if its freqs are fucking with other shit in the mix or to boost it up without said frequencies hindering others

it depends on the vocal and the effects on the vocal....

take ur vocal, listen to how it goes dry over the mix and take it from there?

thats what i would do anyways..whats the point of having a "preset" compression if every vocal is diff
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Post by Carnival »

whats the point of having a "preset" compression if every vocal is diff
..... very true. There definetly is no rules for compressing anything really, that said i, i just find these to be the settings i quite often find myself going back to for vox ive recorded myself. Seems to work well for some reason.... just my opinon.
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Post by Spherix »

ya :)

it all depends on what ur tune is doing and what the vox are doing really
lowercase//Immerse//Tube10//BareDubs//Sub Continental Dub//On The Edge//Camino Blue
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Post by Johnny Hooves »

aside from gear use, make sure to get ur singer to warm up properly, probly on a different song than the one u want to record. If ur vocalist is getting as big clear tone and ur arangement doesn't have other instruments playing the same notes hopefully u wont need to eq much, unless u got a wall o noise gat goin or sommet!!
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