Fri 4th June - Opiuo - Miss Libertine
Sat 5th June - Klute - Roxanne / Basement Sessions - Night Owl
Fri 11th June - Shapeshifter - The Palais
Sat 12th June - Stagga and Boot - Mercat
Sun 13th June - London Electricity - Prince of Wales
Sat 19th June - Wobble - Night Owl / Anything:Test - Croft
Sat 26th June - Total Science - Mercat / Too Much! - Mercat
Sat 10th July - State of Mind and Cern - Roxanne
Sat 17th July - Instra:mental, They Live - Mercat
Fri 23rd July - Knowledge & Wisdom - Roxanne
Sat 24th July - Ras G, Scuba, Logistics, Total Eclipse, Eru Dangerspiels - Roxanne
Fri 30th July - Phonetics - Mercat Basement
Sat 31st July - (CANCELLED) Deadboy - Miss Libertine
Sat 7th Aug - Ramadanman, Harmonic 313, Dizz1 - Mercat
Sat 14th Aug - Calibre and Marky - The Hifi
If i left anything out forgive me, but hey on a good note... no clashes

Spoilt for choice, but the beats are alive in this city!!