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Post by kammo »

Motive wrote:
system wrote:
tripongale wrote:Goldie actually went and grabbed the box of drinks from behind the stage and chucked it out to the crowd. A hot hot night was had by all.
it wasn't the only thing he grabbed! :hahaha:
too true - ye olde Trooper got squirrel-gripped by the gold toothed one. you'd have to assume it's a compliment. that was a good night.
:lol: :lol: funny night.
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Post by Lizkins »

Hardy wrote:
Lizkins wrote:
Hardy wrote: I don't think I'll have even $20 to coer the cost of entry even with that. I'll have enough for maybe one or two drinks, and even that's a stretch. But I'll see what I can scrounge up.
cheap skate :P come on i'll drive us there. it'll be a hoot :D
If I can get the cash i'll split it, but at seems unlikely :cry:
I tried selling some stuff from your room, but noone wanted any of it.
i got good shit man, why wouldn't anyone want it? bloody fuckin snobby people not wanting my shit, dey can kiss ma ass dey can, for sure man. stick it to the MAN!!!!!
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Post by Hardy »

I reckon maybe we should have an MB.C auction of Liz's stuff.

First on the block, Liz's diary. Filled with juicy and sordid secrets! Do I hear $10.99?
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Post by factory worker »

Hardy wrote:I reckon maybe we should have an MB.C auction of Liz's stuff.

First on the block, Liz's diary. Filled with juicy and sordid secrets! Do I hear $10.99?
what about an auction of steves porno collection?

oh you can't sell jpeg files easily.
The best way to cure a broken heart is to give the pieces away
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Post by fikuss »

There's an article of mine on Goldie in Inpress magazine today. Check it out.

I figured I'd also throw the direct transcript of the full interview up on here...


In a world full of bland DJ personalities, Goldie is larger than life. He may seen like a mad-hatter at times but when he talks about his vision for the future its hard not to listen. With a new album on the way, a massive film project on the go and his label Metalheadz firing on all four cylinders Goldie had a lengthy chat with Fikuss.

Give us the update on Goldie for starters, new Metalheadz 05 has just come out in the last month or two, a new single from yourself with a Ruffidge Kru mix as well… what’s next on the agenda release wise?

Yeah I’ve just finished my artist’s album two months ago as well…which is the soundtrack for my first movie which I’m directing next year in Spring. I’ve spent eight years doing that film project so that finally coming in to some closure now. I’ve provided that with a really strong soundtrack, I’m very happy with it and I’ve just been painting since christmas getting a new collection of art together and a set of canvases which is kinda nice, something different, I’ll be showing those in the summer of next year and that’s it really. I’ve just been looking after the label and just being me.

Can you tell us anything about the movie?

It’s a fictional story but is based on various aspects of my life and people I used to see. Its an original screenplay about the struggle of a child and his mother in the hood, so to speak, and how he deals with an outragous stepfather, and how he grows up, and how he deals with that. Its really strong, you know, its more based on life experiences that I’ve had although its not a biography film at all, just a fictional story about two people’s struggle really.

Cool mate. Does your music actually feature as a subject in the film at all…?

No its just the soundtrack. Its just a soundtrack and that’s what I think it should be. I think that this music has just been used in a way that is commercially viable, you know, for washing up commercials; its never really been used to its full potential in terms of scores and stuff like that. Its something that I’ve always been heading towards really anyway…Um… without losing any integrity in the music that is; I think a lot of people have been compromising. Artists, compromise a lot with this musical art and I think it kinda has changed and become a lot cheesier over the years and I’ve been trying to keep it going somewhere else and I think there is still a lot of good music going around but its just not getting heard.

Do you think its because artists are kind-of finding the pressure of creating tracks just to try and please the dancefloor?

Well that’s what it is, and that’s the problem I have dealing with it. I think a lot of DJ’s and artists, a lot of people, are selling out and that’s something I’m not really into. I’m a leader, I’m not a follower. I think that’s what’s happened really I think a lot of people have shown their true colours over the past ten years and I’ve been in this fifteen years so I don’t see why I should want to change now.
I just think that if I start playing that shit then what? I just think it would be like “The last bat in the vault’s gone mate!” (laughs)

What other players in the scene do you really respect at the moment?

I really respect Break, a young 22 year old producer out of Hammersmith who is going to go really really well. A guy called Strider, who usually goes out as Heist. I think Klute’s a really good producer, Amit, those kinda guys. I’m not really into these other commercial guys, and I’m not going to mention those people’s names, but I think its just really not good. That’s about it really, I kinda went away from the scene for a while because I just kinda became jaded with what exactly has been going on and I think “Well you started this fight… you’ve gotta finish it!” I just think that its one of those things that if I’m seen not to be involved with it anymore then it all just seems to go to pop. You know people who I thought were going to do really well just didn’t really do anything which is why I stuck with the label because the labels the only last island of good real underground music with integrity and I’ll stick by that because that’s why I believe in to be honest.

So as far as other labels are there any that are exciting you?

Well not really I mean… (pause) there aren’t really. Signature, Calibre’s label, I like that album he’s just done, that’s brilliant. I like Soul:R that’s pretty good, Marcus’s label, there’s nothing really, you know, without blowing fucking smoke mate, but when you’ve done as much stuff as I’ve done over the last 12 years or so its very fucking hard to get really knocked out by any particular artist and label. Its either been done before or its been a rehash of something else. But I am excited about some of these new producers and what they’re possibly going to be doing. Also things happen in seasons, you can’t have it happening every year, I think drum & bass still is a baby because it hasn’t really grown up yet. Its only fucking ten years old really. Ask me in ten years time or in twenty-five years, you know what I mean?


Lets see where it is then. I just think that all we’re seeing now is people getting rehashed and its really in a state of turning and a thing can’t happen every year, things’ll blow-up and something else is going to happen. I’m still waiting for those other things to happen really.

I guess everyone’s sort of looked to you as a leader in a way…

I just think that its one of those things, I took time out as an artist to paint again and do other things and finish this fucking film. Its been driving me insane for the past eight years but part of that insanity is finding myself with it. A screenplay is like a very-very-very fucking slow record, it’s a lot longer and its tough to develop and you’ve also gotta wait for the characters to grow up in your own fucking head where as sound is something that has always matured in my head. I can bash it out in my head. I got the sound, I know what the riff is, I put it in there and I’ve got it and the subject’s done. With this I’ve had to wait for all these characters to develop.

I think that I took time out and all these people kind of thinking “what’s Goldie doing?” and people can be really critical in this country but with me, the thing is I’ve never really been able to be criticised for my music because I extensively took it from beyond where they’re scratching their fucking heads. So there’s no room for criticism in that sense. Its just a question of “well why did he stop doing it?” and I think now that will be revealed later on when you start seeing the film, you’ll understand how much fucking time and effort I put into that. However, while I’ve been doing that, I don’t think there’s really much that’s gone on, I mean Roni kind-of did his thing but I don’t think he did much after that. I was waiting for all of these people to blow up like him and Adam F and it never really happened. You kind of get deluded when that happens and you think “fuck come on! …someone?”

But that’s how it goes you know… Pendulum have blown up commercially but I don’t really rate that stuff at all I think its just cack. But that’s my own opinion I’m just really not into it. That to me is no different to General Levvy blowing up you know what I mean? Whatever, that’s my own opinion I’ll keep that to myself. There’s other people that are crossing over the music with other things but even that never really happened you know what I mean? I’m too much of an old critic (laughs), I’m getting to old for it.

I suppose in a way… Music is a very immediate thing, as you were saying, you can hear it in your head straight away and you can punch that out. Film really is something that has a bit of longevity to it in a way, because once you have made a film and get it out there its locked. A lot of tunes and singles that people release dissapear and producers, even reasonably well known ones, will sink without a trace over time but that’s not the case with film makers.

Yeah that’s it. You’ve got a good point there. I’m sorry to big you up mate but there’s not a lot of journalists who could actually point that out as well. People don’t think about prolonging shit. That’s the bottom li… You have got it right on the nail… that’s kind of it… I think that no matter what… I was just coming back from Britain and I was thinking about this, having one of those moments, and I thought, if all goes wrong tomorrow and god forbid anything should happen to me I could actually press play and play a lot of my music which has been very diverse over the years, a lot of it, and from a very long depth. I thought well at the end of all that surely I’d want to put it all of that into a film process and that’s what I’ve obviously done.

I’m approaching 40 this year and I don’t want to be 40 and not have achieved anything in my life and I kind of still feel as if there is an axe to grind. I don’t know if you heard about it on the net but I got this Professorship last month which has really made me wake up and think “fuck I actually got acknowledged for something”.

I never got fuck all at school, I never got anything! And then I get a fucking PHD when I’m forty” it felt good because it was just about media and music and art and I had to remind myself “fuck you actually did do that stuff”! I think its been very compressed in my mind and I just hope that at the end of all of this, hopefully… you know the reason why I wanted to get an extensive tour this time around, you know I’m out there for five fuckin weeks, I wanted to get an extensive tour because this time next year I probably won’t have time to do this as much and I want to concentrate on the film and I just hope I can leave something behind. Someone will say “fuck that film was absolutely brilliant” and it maybe will be the start of something great and new. But I think as an artist I have to go somewhere and I really have to go do something and I hope that when I get back this tiny little scene is somewhere better than it is now.

I’m a huge fan of drum & bass and I’ve studied film quite extensively, its what I want to do, I suppose I look around at the little scene we have in Melbourne and some of the main people that got everything up and running here like ATOM 1…

Yeah I remember ATOM 1 yeah…

Some of these guys have just dissapeared without a trace. There’s a lot of people who come along and then dissapear. Even the guys who do manage to get a few releases, they come and they go. I feel as though, for example after watching that old Talkin’ Headz doco the other day, its things like that that aren’t done enough. Where are all the films?

Music is music obviously and people will go out and will be able to find it if they search in the right place but no one takes it seriously enough to make films about it and really document it propperly.

That’s what it is… I think that people are not taking all of this new technology seriously enough. People realize that they can access music and they can access this technology quickly, but what they’re not doing is leaving enough evidence behind which is a problem. I have a massive problem with that and I think part of that problem for me, and I’m been genuinely happy because of it, is that I’ve been a bit dyslexic and I’ve never been able to use this stuff. I have always manipulated engineers and I’m always like “put it on tape! Don’t leave it on digital because what happens if the magnetic field around us changes by 2%? All those things will be gone!”

I’m always sketching on books, I’m always putting them on tape because this shit will be gone in a second and people forget that. Once you change that magnetic field everything’s gone. You see one thing I know is that my canvass; you can’t erase that. My tape; I can’t erase that and just generally pressing vinyl, making film, and video because at least its there you know. All this stuff with digital, I’ve always been weary of it, I’ve always been weary of the whole conspiracy of it all. The bigger picture and that whole big brother sort of thing and of how all that stuff can get fucked.

As an artist I think we are the last bastions man we have to do something and like you said, some people can be erased by it so quickly and they’re like suppressed memories and if we don’t try an dig far enough back in our minds and keep those memories then we are in trouble. One of my favorite films, and it always will be, is Magnolia because its such a beautiful fucking screenplay. I think it’s really good, I mean that whole process of being about confession and about people that have just been so pushed to confess.

I’ve learned so much in the last eight years of making this film that I just think that one of the most powerful messages in making this film is that if your not with people on a journey, the memory is probably one of the most powerful things that we’ve ever been given, and if you’re not with people to remind you of that then you might as well be dreaming. That’s one of the messages I’m going to be getting across in this film, about the power of memory, and how its held and how we hold those images.

I’ve always tried to be honest with it, and I’ve always been millitant and hard about the people around me and have always been over critical because I can see the bigger picture and I can see what happens when we don’t take time with it all. There’s a whole new generation out there that are kind of running and rushing to it but they’ve just got to understand a little bit more. You’ve kinda got to put the work in you know.

I couldn’t agree more. Its something that became apparent to me when I read the repress of Brian Belle-Fortune’s “All Crews” book; no matter how many websites your name might appear on… Whenever the content on those websites comes down all those names are going to vanish too so its important to actually take the time to release stuff propperly as a book… put it on paper.

Yeah that’s right. That’s it man, its what you’ve got to remember.
I’m hoping this time when I come out…. It has changed over there a lot (in Australia); things started up, they kind of went up, and blew-up and then went down again and all this other stuff happened and its kind of sorting its self out probably. Now might be the right time to come, I think last year wasn’t the right time to come.

Things have changed quite a bit since then…

I think things have to change really. It will be nice to come out there and play and just sort of see how different the people are and just be me really and give you all a good old ironing out. I’m going to let you know what IS available.

I think things have solidified over here and the vibe’s starting to get a lot better at all the parties…

See you know what that is… I blame that change on a lot of people (DJ’s) coming out there and not really doing what they were supposed to do. I think a lot of people have sold it short and I’m just going to come out there and I’m gonna iron everyone out (laughs). Give everyone a real good dynamic journey.

With all the interviews that you guys do and all the coverage in the press about all that sort of shit I always like to ask people in my interviews about secret shit that people mightn’t necessarily have heard about…

Teebee’s got a secret love for chess apparently, Matrix and Dynamite both admitted that they’d love to be in the food and resteraunt biz… You’re a bit of a renessaince man, with your past in Graffiti, Music, and Film what other passions have you got going on that we don’t know about?

Apart from becoming a Professor, that’s quite funny but a secret love I guess is playing Rainbow 6 on X-Box. I just go on there and I just kill loads of people with my friends. I am a big X-Box-Live fan. I’m on the whole live gaming thing I think that’s great. There’s a game called Rainbow 6 which in that world is pretty cool and I just go on there as Goldicuss and I just go on there and have a fuckin laugh. Its just like paintballing online basically I just go on there and get my head popped by an eleven year old.

Tim Schumann - August 2005 - Interview taken from the forthcoming www.kombatbass.com site

(we're so close to launching the new site... launch party will be September 29 @ Blazin')
Last edited by fikuss on Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by system »

nice work, Timmmmmmmeeeh. :)
DRS wrote:It’s uplifting while we drift through time,
‘cause we keep pushing the vibe.
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Post by Terry Tate »

yeh man that interview wasl very good and real interesting.
nice to see a more in-depth look at things than just the usual 'what you got coming out, whats next, what dyou think of x' sorta stuff.
New Hampshire's alright if you like fighting.
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Post by dust »

fikuss wrote:(we're so close to launching the new site... launch party will be November 29 @ Blazin')
Mine and the lady stovequeen's birthdays!! Noice.

Btw that was a great interview Tim. Nice to see interviewers breaking away from the typical mould.
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Post by fikuss »

dust wrote:
fikuss wrote:(we're so close to launching the new site... launch party will be November 29 @ Blazin')
Mine and the lady stovequeen's birthdays!! Noice.

Btw that was a great interview Tim. Nice to see interviewers breaking away from the typical mould.
whoa shit G - i stuff up my dates.... i meant to say Thu September 29th
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Post by dust »

will you still throw a birthday party for me?? Its the least you can do :wink:

j/k i'll be there, so many fond memories from thursdays at the lounge, dating right back to 1998.
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Post by kuulmann »


Hi all,
here are all the tour dates...

let dem riddems flow...
:smt026 :smt026

> > 01.09.05 - Nelson, New Zealand - The Phat Club

> > 02.09.05 - Auckland, New Zealand - Studio

> > 03.09.05 - Christchurch, New Zealand - The Ministry

> > 07.09.05 - Hobart, Tasmania - Halo Nightclub

> > 09.09.05 - Melbourne, Australia - Prince of Wales

> > 10.09.05 - Adelaide, Australia - Earth Nightclub

> > 11.09.05 - Brisbane, Australia - Family Nightclub

> > 16.09.05 - Perth, Australia - Heat Nightclub

> > 17.09.05 - Sydney, Australia - Home Nightclub

> > 19.09.05 - End of Australia Tour

some promo links >>

see more >>>

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DOA Review of Goldie and MC Lowqui, Christchurch, NZ
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Last edited by kuulmann on Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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a flyer 2b remembered...

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Post by kuulmann »


It's 1991 and a bona fide B-boy by the name of Goldie finds himself caught up in the heaving mass of London's Rage Club at Heaven on a Thursday night.

DJ's Fabio and Grooverider take to the decks once again captivating the crowd with their frenzied assault on the senses. A relative newcomer to the scene, Goldie pesters the duo for names of tracks and becomes an immediate convert to the hardcore breakbeat aesthetic. That many an outsider is choosing to pronounce the hardcore scene dead seems slightly ironic - a breakbeat specialist of the highest order has only just been born.....

Today there are few more influential and charismatic figures on the hardcore / jungle scene than Goldie. Schooled like so many of his peers on hip-hops B-boy ethos of the early 1980's. Goldie's influences on the breakbeat culture of hardcore can go with the B-boy flavour. He explains "but you can go even further. Messing around with sound real bad".

Goldie would initially make his mark as a graffiti writer in his Midlands hometown of Walsall. Spraying walls quickly got serious as the commissions started to flood in. "I'd paint my estate because I couldn't be a thief", he recalls. "At night I'd go out to blues, but in the morning I'd come home in the morning and change straight into my painting clothes. Then it took off. I'd be doing paintings for the community, for the council. I'd be asked to appear on TV shows like Pebble Mill where I could say whatever I wanted."

Alongside the likes of 3D from Bristol's Wild Bunch Crew, Goldie emerged as one of Britain's leading graffers. He began moving back and forth from New York, living the hip-hop lifestyle for real. In 1986 he'd star alongside Afrika Bambaata in the seminal graffiti art movie "Bombing" - filmed partly in Bristol and most notably in New York's South Bronx, where for a time Goldie would choose to reside.

Early 1998, Goldie returns to London from a spell in Miami. Jazzie B asks him to help out on Soul II Soul's artwork. Still painting and still getting commissions, Goldie finally gets tied down. For a couple of years he's a player on the West End club scene. But then the inspiration dries up. "Hip-Hop wasn't happening for me over here anymore because I'd been away living it", recalls Goldie. "It was like I just had to do something".

1991 and London's hardcore scene proves to be Goldie's salvation. Initially, he just listens and learns from the sidelines, helping out on the artwork for the hugely influential label Reinforced. But slow and surely, the face of hardcore begins to change. Where once the domineering sound had been termed "Happy" - a mix of Pinky & Perky sounding vocal madcap oscillator riffs - by late 1992 a new darker edge creeps into the music. It was here that Goldie came into his own.

His first entrance into the world of recording artists had been "Kellermuffin" - a semi successful ep for Reinforced that contained an early sample of ragga artist "Cutty Ranks" - later to figure so predominantly on many a jungle release. But most significantly, early in 1993 under the pseudonym of "Metalheadz", Goldie would release "Terminator" on the Synthetic label, a track that would have a dramatic impact on every hardcore release that followed.

With its eerie metallic breakbeats, "Terminator" pioneered the use of a process known as time-stretching in hardcore. It was now possible to stretch a vocal sample over any pitch range without altering the B.P.M. Although classic "dark tunes" like Terminator and Terminator II had pioneered the emergence of what became widely termed jungle. Goldie is somewhat disparaging of this legacy.

"Dark to me was just a representation of the way people were feeling at the time", he says, "there was a recession, winter and the country was in decline. Dark was like the blues music". And as subsequent release were to prove, Goldie was set to stay one step ahead of the rash imitators who arrived to cash in on the growing popularity of jungle. By late 1993 "Angel", again released on the synthetic label, fused Urban Cookie Collective Dianne Charlemagne's jazzy vocal with eerie sythn. Elsewhere on a series of remix projects for Reinforced's Enforcers series - on the 4 track ep "Internal Affairs" - on "Fury" for the Moving Shadow label - and on a remix of the massive Helicopter Tune (to name but a few). Goldie showed just how far he's mastered his art.

"Timeless", Goldie's (AKA Metalheadz) first release for London Records no doubt shocked and suprised once more upon it's release on November 1994. Twenty-Two minutes long, it plays on the very concept of time, dealing with the inner city struggle for survival. While also fooling the listener into believing the track is much shorter than its actual running length.

Again, the soaring vocal of Diane Charlemagne captures the very essence - "Timeless" survivalist spirit, as the haunting strings and fearsome breakbeats dig deep into the listeners mind. I don't even know if I'd call what I record jungle anymore", reasons Goldie, fully aware that at its narrowest definition jungle has become little more than a reggae sample overlaid on a breakbeat. "I'd prefer to call this inner-city ghetto music, because I'm not just going to come up with what most people would envisage to be jungle. I make my music to have integrity and if you can still play it at 6' O'clock in the morning in a club, then its bona fide".

With almost no national radio airplay at all the double album shot straight into the national charts at no.7, which reflected a huge groundswell of record buyers that up until now were supposedly non-existent.

Demand for Goldies drum & bass was such that a live tour took his eight-piece band to Europe and the U.S.A supporting Bjork. Upon returning to the U.K Goldie headlined his own sell-out tour. Whenever time allowed, Goldie would return to London to run his Metalheadz club every Sunday at London's Blue Note.

The UK leg of the tour was an event never heard before. Peshay, Doc Scott, Kemistry & Storm, Fabio, Grooverider, Randall and MC extroadinaire Clevelnad Watkiss played sets that testified a new consciousness on dance culture everywhere, due no doubt to Goldie's efforts to hoist jungle from the underground to the mainstream.

His efforts were rewarded throughout 96 & 97 when he won an array of awards for his debut album, his DJing, the Metalheadz label and his label's compilation album "Platinum Breakz". It's 1997 and Goldie spends his time running not only his Sunday nights at the Blue Note but also the Metalheadz night at London's Hanover Grand on the first Friday of every month, as well as working on his follow up album to "Timeless" entitled "Saturnz Return".

His energy is almost limitless. "I sleep three hours a night, I just have this abyss of energy" he explained to a journalist recently, which partly explains the albums title "Saturnz Return" is taken from the notation of the seven year astrological cycle where the starts are now in his favour. "I'm a Virgo, the way my planets are lined up to the time I was born, I'm set man". And set he is indeed...

source >>
http://www.digitalthugz.com/html/module ... le&sid=175
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Post by kuulmann »


2005 has started with a bang for MC LowQui, now firmly established as part of the infamous Metalheadz camp he is currently touring Europe with Goldie and as an integral part of the Metalheadz 10th Anniversary Tour. He has been host to a bbc.co.uk/1Xtra live broadcast on behalf of Drum and Bass Arena, Mcíing alongside Fabio and has debuted at the award winning Movement Club playing with Bryan Gee.

In 2004 Knowledge magazine invited LowQui to take part in its “New Blood” feature on the bright young things of drum n bass in its February 2004 edition alongside; Amit, Commix, Ed Funk, Nexxi, SP:MC & Resonant Evil...!

Also in 2004, drumnbassarena (breakbeat.co.uk) & legendary rave promoters DESIRE, held a vote to see which dnb MC the forum members felt should perform at Desire in July. LowQui appeared on the main stage with Ray Keith, and has already been invited back to chat lyrics at the next Desire rave.

A regular on the mic for over a decade, MC LowQui has a lyrical flow that has to be seen to be believed. With residencies at drum and bass clubs around Europe, his lyrical delivery regularly wins over the most demanding ravers, even on the notoriously hard to please London scene. MC LowQui is making his presence felt globally with an intelligent, constantly evolving MC style that not only works with the basslines of both old and new skool drum and bass DJ sets, but, more recently, is being used with nu skool breaks and also with live acts.

With a distinctive, intimate style, LowQui grew up on the hardcore jungle techno scene back in the day, and the styles of the legendary Stevie Hyper D and MC GQ are resonant in his flow and delivery. As the beats and basslines have progressed, so his lyrics have evolved and moved onto a higher level. LowQui believes that the music comes first, with sporadic rhymes subtly overlaid to enhance the atmosphere at any venue, large or small.

With regular residencies with Metalheadz, Traffic, Essence of Chi, Technicality and Munich´s DangerCrew, LowQui also plays frequently with live drum n bass band “Aliens In The Whitehouse”. LowQui has played at various clubs, festivals and underground raves worldwide, alongside a massive selection of the top DJs of their genres. He has worked with a diverse range of crews, including: Metalheadz, Desire, Essence of Chi, Traffic/Future Thinkin, Technicality, DangerCrew, Ignition, Uncertified, Bounce, Kinetic, Play!, Bassbin, Best of British, Enter the Jungle, Audio Massive, Optical Noise, Formation Records, Technique, DFX, Dekefex, Quiddity and more.

Radio has also played a vital part in LowQui's development, with shows currently airing on Lifefm.co.uk, Ministry Of Sound & Ruud Awakening 104.2FM. Previous radio work has included Flex 103.6 FM, groovetech.com, drumandbassworldwide.com, puredm.com, Demon FM, Don FM, Fresh FM, Feierwerk FM (Munich) and others.

Expanding his repertoire into the nu skool breaks scene working with DJ Quest & MC Ken Mac (Cyberfunk Records), LowQui has also worked with Atomic Hooligan, Ed 209, Jay Cunning & the Breakfasters.

Working with other MC's and female vocalists, especially I-One (Future Thinkin), LowQui emphasises firmly on making people dance & enjoy themselves the whole night through...He aims to keep spreading out his freestyle mc-ing across the world... having lots of fun along the way.

source >>
http://www.digitalthugz.com/html/module ... le&sid=174

see more >>
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Post by kuulmann »

Last edited by kuulmann on Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by diode »

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Post by kuulmann »

AC23_steve wrote:the MC is alright

ill find a link to the madcap/lowqui set....cant find it online, all links are dead but its called Madcap_Lowqui192.mp3
u can listen 2 MC LOWQUI here >>

u can watch 2 GOLDIE & LOWQUI VIDEOS here >>
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Post by kuulmann »

dust wrote:ahem *coughcough*

gig of the year anyone?

coming soon to a venue near you!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by dust »

kuulmann wrote:
dust wrote:ahem *coughcough*

gig of the year anyone?

coming soon to a venue near you!!!!!!!!!!
Kuulmann knows :wink:
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Post by diode »

Gig of the year...Big call to beat Teebee and B.S.E...Will be there to witness this one.
Great Interview by the way.
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Post by kuulmann »

dust wrote:
kuulmann wrote:
dust wrote:ahem *coughcough*

gig of the year anyone?

coming soon to a venue near you!!!!!!!!!!
Kuulmann knows :wink:
no, i DON´T know, but i DO like wot some ravers have 2 say...
:D :D


Goldie, MC LowQui, Agent Alvin, Alion, Fiction :
Phat Club : Thurs 1 September 05

Official launch of >>
PHAT06 International Drum n Bass Camp New Years Eve 3 day party
in the Nelson Mountains ticket sales : Phat06 features Teebee,
Pendulum, Aphrodite, Digital, Total Science, Shapeshifter, The Upbeats,
Concord Dawn, State of Mind, Bulletproof, Mysterious D, Agent Alvin & 70
nz acts...all enquiries www.phatclub.co.nz

Coming at the end of a long hard winter in the deep south Goldie was
always going to be pushing to fill the Phat but fill it he did with the
filthiest bass felt yet in a room that's seen Roni Size, Maldini, Vegas,
d-Bridge, Mickey Finn, High Contrast, Klute, Digital, The Upbeats,
Concord Dawn, Shapeshifter & Aphrodite.

A controlled burn from start to end with LowQui starting cold,
after the Agents wicked combo with our own Alion,
but ending with... a room truly on fire & no-one wanting to go anywhere...

Wickedly wicked! 5 stars!

Let's hope he'll make good on the offer to headline Phat007 next year!
Phat Dave
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Post by kuulmann »

does any-one know the website-addi of the MAIN SYDNEY D&B FORUM ???
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Post by system »

kuulmann wrote:does any-one know the website-addi of the MAIN SYDNEY D&B FORUM ???
Sydney Friction
DRS wrote:It’s uplifting while we drift through time,
‘cause we keep pushing the vibe.
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Post by factory worker »

What an informative thread, nice work Tim, great insight.

I get the impression peeps are either trying to entice me along or trying to silence my bolshy written attcks on quick and hardy. suceeded in the latter that's fo sure.
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LIVE CHAT with GOLDIE >> Thu Sep 8th at 6pm AEST

Post by kuulmann »

LIVE CHAT with GOLDIE >> Thu Sep 8th at 6pm AEST

National Chat Times:

5.30pm: SA/NT
4.00pm: WA

click here to the chatroom >>
http://www.inthemix.com.au/forum/showth ... p?t=139327

Larger than life and renowned the world over, Goldie is responsible for establishing the influential Metalheadz record label as well as producing seminal albums like ‘Timeless’, ‘Ring of Saturn’ and ‘Saturn Returnz’. He’s touring Australia in September and inthemix are excited to reveal that he’ll be appearing live and ‘in the spotlight’ Thursday September 8th at 6pm AEST, so you’ll have the chance to speak directly with the reigning don of drum & bass!

When it comes to drum & bass, the names don’t come much bigger than Goldie. Having started out as a b-boy and graffiti artists in the late 80s, Goldie discovered drum & bass and jungle in the early 90s at legendary UK club night Rage. Moving between New York and UK, Goldie made a name for himself as a leading graff artist. Settling back into London in the late 90s he began to try his hand at production... and the rest, as they say, is history.

Not content to simply inhabit the world of music, Goldie has also made himself into a well recognised actor and celebrity, having appeared on UK TV in shows like East Enders (where he famously played a rather dodgy gangster) and on their version of Celebrity Big Brother. He’s also appeared in movies such as Guy Ritchie’s Snatch and the James Bond: The World Is Not Enough.

Presented by Smirnoff ICE, ‘in the spotlight' features some of Australia and the world's most sought-after artists every month. Chat are available to every registered member of inthemix, completely FREE of charge.
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Post by mirai »

3 hous of Goldicuss, nice! Plenty of time to iron us out good and proper... :twisted:
Really looking forward to Subfocus too, sounds like he's got some solid skills on the decks from what others have been saying...
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Post by dust »

Tomorrow peoples.

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Post by lynt »

AC23_steve wrote:
fikuss wrote: ^

massive interview that scrolls for like, minutes

nice1 tim

Why Steve? Why! :D
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Post by shabana »

fikuss wrote:There's an article of mine on Goldie in Inpress magazine today. Check it out.

I figured I'd also throw the direct transcript of the full interview up on here...
Hey dude, just wanted to say this is a great interview, probably the best dnb interview I've actually read. Even if you should have looked up how to spell "renaissance" ;-)(sorry, i'm just a little miss four-eyes. When someone told me that I had 2 (!!!!!) spelling mistakes in my article I nearly cried! I still think it was the fucking publishers' fault grrrr)

It's makin me even more excited about Friday, which is just as well because I FUCKING HAVE TO WORK SATURDAY! FUCK!
Peace and Fucking - Believe
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Post by lynt »


plenty of tickets here man :D
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Post by mecka »

So... whos going? rollcall?

mecka + crew - a few pikers = still fun.
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Post by Fents »

mecka + crew
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Post by mecka »

ah excellent. i haven't seen the fiwi since she got back.
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Post by dust »

I'll be there, largin it :smt030 :smt103 :bom:
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Post by fikuss »

Fents wrote:mecka + crew
Fikuss - amped like a beeyarch - lookout
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Post by nic »

Checked Goldie and the LowQui in Hobart wed night. Fuckign rad, Goldie puts on a great show, heaps of new shit. LowQui kept things moving with his slurred MC'ing from the toilets even.... :)
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Post by Focus »

kuulmann wrote:Image
Look at dat bling! :roll:
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Post by Ag3nT[]0raNg3 »

mecka + crew
Fikuss - amped like a beeyarch - lookout
Fiwi (is fiwi going?)
one more medicated peacefull moment
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one more medicated peacefull moment
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Post by Ag3nT[]0raNg3 »

ooer. where did that post above mine go?

na na na na, na na na na
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Post by stovequeen »

Ag3nT[]0raNg3 wrote:mecka + crew
Fikuss - amped like a beeyarch - lookout
Fiwi (is fiwi going?)
lol.. Fiwi's not going.. :lol:

how'd i get on this roll call??

As much as i'd like to go. I got dawn commitments the next day 8)

Oh, and Tim...feel free to put a Blaze party on in Nov for me and Miss Dust anyway if you like :wink:
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Post by nic »

How did my post become yours AO?

err! the rest of phots form Goldie here. Some good ring shotz.

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Post by Joe Seven »


Well looking forward to this....

We still have a few tickets here @ DMC but there selling fast. get in quick!!
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Post by Fents »

Joe Seven wrote:Tonight!!

Well looking forward to this....

We still have a few tickets here @ DMC but there selling fast. get in quick!!
Cannot wait!
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Post by flippo »

you are all cunts.
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Post by MilkyBar »

What time are the sets? :shock:
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Post by mecka »

flippo wrote:you are all cunts.
Ive always wanted to be a cunt. A long time ago I wished I was and it looks like my wish has come true.
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Post by dust »

Only a matter of hours now!!!

Set times are

JPS 10 - 11
Motive 11 - 12
Blanco 12 - 1
subfocus 1 - 2.30
Goldie + Lowqui - 2.30 - 5.30
Seven 5.30 - close

Subfocus is playing at 1 peeps so get down early

and Goldie has promised a corker of a set, no shorter than 3 hours!!

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Post by Hardy »

dust wrote:Only a matter of hours now!!!

Set times are

JPS 10 - 11
Motive 11 - 12
Blanco 12 - 1
subfocus 1 - 2.30
Goldie + Lowqui - 2.30 - 5.30
Seven 5.30 - close

Subfocus is playing at 1 peeps so get down early

and Goldie has promised a corker of a set, no shorter than 3 hours!!

FUCKIN AMPED!!! This is gonna be sick peeps!!!!
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Post by Ag3nT[]0raNg3 »

omg 3 hours!
one more medicated peacefull moment
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