Page 550 of 1244

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:12 pm
by ghetto kitty

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:13 pm
by lynt
It's the Parklife Afterparty!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:19 pm
by ghetto kitty


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:32 pm
by CoB
me rikey!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:28 pm
by PahMaLa
That's a very hypnotic pic there gk.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:38 pm
by ghetto kitty
space is awesome


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:51 pm
by lynt
ghetto kitty wrote:space is awesome

A chip that will forever remain on my shoulder is the fact that I'm too dumb to be an astronaut and will never ever in my entire life go to outer space. If there even is one.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:55 pm
by C.I.A.
lynt wrote:
ghetto kitty wrote:space is awesome

A chip that will forever remain on my shoulder is the fact that I'm too dumb to be an astronaut and will never ever in my entire life go to outer space. If there even is one.

No space for me.

I had an opportunity to go to space (albeit a remote one). I turned that shit down. Have you seen the outdated pieces of junk they send into space these days?????

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:00 pm
by DBoy

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:02 pm
by CoB
very nice dboy!

kinda like my philosophy atm..


in much brighter colours.. hehehe

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:08 pm
by ghetto kitty
lynt wrote:
ghetto kitty wrote:space is awesome

A chip that will forever remain on my shoulder is the fact that I'm too dumb to be an astronaut and will never ever in my entire life go to outer space. If there even is one.
dont speak too soon, you just never know what technonolgy will bring in your lifetime!

it might at least, prove that outer space is a fable, like santy claws...

and yes dboy >>

mine at the moment is

your life is a creation of your own mind.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:10 pm
by C.I.A.
so if outer space is a fable, what is inner space??

and what about personal space??

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:11 pm
by Direkt
lynt wrote:
ghetto kitty wrote:space is awesome

A chip that will forever remain on my shoulder is the fact that I'm too dumb to be an astronaut and will never ever in my entire life go to outer space. If there even is one.
Prodigy "Outer Space" should sort you out Chief.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:12 pm
by ghetto kitty
inner space is just a concept invented by ikea to make more room in our psyches..

and personal space was invented by feminine hygene companies to sell more blue liquid absorbers.

so really, there isnt any mysteries left to solve


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:13 pm
by CoB
what about the mystery of where I left my shoes?

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:14 pm
by ghetto kitty
cob > they are either in the fridge, second shelf up in the door

or in the backyard, under the table.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:15 pm
by CoB
they better be where you say they are..
else the mystery will be mysterising my for quite some time!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:27 pm
by ghetto kitty
now my pshychic abilities are being tested

please report back oh cob ola


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:31 pm
by CoB
I shall..

although I am using my memory of this morning..
and I believe that the first one is not right...

under the table in the backyard it may be though...

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:49 pm
by mrj
Its friday afternoon. And I'm going to do nothing for the next 25 minutes until it is home time. Huzzah, YaY, and w0000000t.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:51 pm
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3
i almost spilt beer in our new $60k tape library. lol

instead its all over the floor in the server room. hopefully the water leak alarm doesnt go off.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:51 pm
by Grey Son
Ag3nT[]0raNg3 wrote:i almost spilt beer in our new $60k tape library. lol

instead its all over the floor in the server room. hopefully the water leak alarm doesnt go off.

:shock: :? :shock:

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:52 pm
by factory worker
mrj wrote:Its friday afternoon. And I'm going to do nothing for the next 25 minutes until it is home time. Huzzah, YaY, and w0000000t.
9 minutes

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:58 pm
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3
Grey Son wrote:
Ag3nT[]0raNg3 wrote:i almost spilt beer in our new $60k tape library. lol

instead its all over the floor in the server room. hopefully the water leak alarm doesnt go off.

:shock: :? :shock:
aaah its alright. i do it all the time!


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:02 pm
by Friday
8 hours :?

been at the espy since 9am and realistically won't be able to leave before 1am.... long day!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:03 pm
by Grey Son
Ag3nT[]0raNg3 wrote:
Grey Son wrote:
Ag3nT[]0raNg3 wrote:i almost spilt beer in our new $60k tape library. lol

instead its all over the floor in the server room. hopefully the water leak alarm doesnt go off.

:shock: :? :shock:
aaah its alright. i do it all the time!

HA HA !!
When i worked in the studio i had to make all the adds for a certain political party and recorded voice overs for 4 hours until 2 in the morn. The next day went back in to edit them and i had formated the wrong drive the night before and had a fat lot of fuck all!!
Got in heaps of shit because the voice over left for the states that morning
:thumbright: Good one!!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:20 pm
by C.I.A.
Direktor wrote:
lynt wrote:
ghetto kitty wrote:space is awesome

A chip that will forever remain on my shoulder is the fact that I'm too dumb to be an astronaut and will never ever in my entire life go to outer space. If there even is one.
Prodigy "Outer Space" should sort you out Chief.
I'll Take your brain to another dimension
I'll Take your brain to another dimension
I'll Take your brain to another dimension
So pay attention.


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:22 pm
by C.I.A.
Ag3nT[]0raNg3 wrote:i almost spilt beer in our new $60k tape library. lol

instead its all over the floor in the server room. hopefully the water leak alarm doesnt go off.
:mental note... don't invite A_O to housewarming...:


Did I say that out loud????

Stupid poetic justice.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:30 pm
by witty_pseudonym
happy jewish new year for tomorrow peeps.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:38 pm
by CoB

that's what it is...

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:49 pm
by nic
mmm corncob

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:23 pm
by CoB
if i had something at home that would be appropriate to edit shit..
i would have gone and put a cob of corn on my head...

then I could say.. "corn on the cob"

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:53 pm
by PahMaLa
:lol: CoB

I have one hour and ten bloody minutes to go! Bah! But at least it's quietened down again.
Gives me time to think where to go for dinner.
Any recommendations *heads off the Quality Food Thread*

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:09 pm
by fooishbar
g'afternoon fools.

the lunch menu at work is a constant source of hilarity. it looks particularly good today, but 'shrimp ragout'? think i'll be avoiding that one.


Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:05 am
by CoB
*runs around in circles*

that is all.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:38 pm
by fooishbar

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:36 am
by kronz
So i have an interesting story from my night to tell.

Friend from work invited me out to the "Hawthorne". I had never been there despite the fact that i have lived 5 mins drive from it for as long as i can remember, in fact i remember it as the governer hotham. So i rock in at 9:15 thinking its a bit early to go out. The next thing that crossed my mind was how "the other half" live. (I should make the point now that i am not claiming i am or people i know are better than anyone). This place was full of 18 year olds (now i look very young so i blended in without a problem), the girls were dressed as if they we begging to get fucked and the boys dressed as if they should be at the peel (no discrimination intended).

Now people can dress how they want, i dont care but it was the way these people behaved that shocked me. All of the girls seemed very superficial. I saw heaps of them looking up other girls, fat girls, not as pretty girls, girls with clothes that were "so last season" i couldn't believe it. I was shocked how shallow some people are (i shop at target "pretty girls" so stick that one up your clacker). I dont socialise with anyone like this, so excuse the naievity but i'm not used to this. All the boys were just tools. Not only were they so full of themselves (the conversations i heared in the toilets, and the fact that ever one of them had to fix themselves up in the mirror) but they treated all of the girls there like shit. Yes, most of the girls were hot but that does not mean they are sex objects. The rude comments etc that i heared guys make to girls was fucked up.

I think the thing i'm trying to get at has two parts, why are most guys such fucking tools (you make the rest of us look bad), secondly, why do lots of girls behave like little tramps and accept this shit?

I must say this was a very random interesting experiance. It was a meat market. I cant believe how the other half live (i'm not trying to sound eleitest or say i'm better than these people).

So apart from seeing lots of guys in pink, lemmon, avacardo and really tight jeans, so tight surly they couldn't have had balls. Along with girls that more or less had their tits hanging out (which did provide some eye candy (sorry for being male)), were so dolled up for a local pub it was stupid, and kept looking other chicks up and down (probably due to some artificialy imposed insercurity) there were some amusing events.

The music that was played was very funny. There was a little "run to paradise" a bit of "blink 182" "cold chisel" some other stuff like top 40 hip hop/top 40 and some 80's retro. Now these dolled up boys/girls were not only tolerating it, they were loving it. I have never seen a dance floor go off like these people did to "run to paradise". But hey good on them if they are enjoying it, and sorry for laughing at them, NOT.

I also witnessed are rather concerning pub fight. It involved about 8, 18 year old males, none of which really punched each other, if you could imagin 2, 80 year olds fighting, thats what it was like. Jimmy Barns wouldn't have been happy at their fighting ability that was been demonstrated by them during k' san.

WHAT REALLY CONCERNED ME WAS HOW THE BOUNCERS TREATED THESE GUYS. They were drunk and did deserve to be kicked out, but these bouncers did over step their power. I saw about 5 bouncers beat the shit out of a little dude (he looked about 12 so i presume he was 18). They draged all the fighting dude out pretty quickly after it started. But continued to miss treat them, a.k.a beat the shit out of them once they were out of the pub.

Now i do not believe in dobbing on people (unless it personally affects you or it is something fucked up like rape, kiddy porn or murder) but i feel the need to contact the police (maybe, they are probably corrupt and will stick up for the bouncers) or some other authority. Now i know i cant say i was in the pub viewing the situation objectivly, coz they'll just go you were drunk and know the dudes and you are trying to make us look bad. I think i'll have to play i was driving past and from what i saw it looked really bad card. Yes these kids were being tools, but they did not deserve to be beaten shitless by some hot head bouncers. I'm sure most of you have had to deal with wanker bouncers at some point in time, and i know they are trying to do their job, but at the same time they can act very unreasonably at times. Take david hooks for example.

WHO DO YOU GUYS THINK I SHOULD CONTACT ABOUT THIS? the poor kids probably needed to go to hospital and will probably be unable to claim assult coz they were drunk in a pub being dicks. Whilst they were tools they do deserve the right to justice like the rest of us.

In sum it was a fucking random night, not something i do often. Gee the "other half" live in a very odd world, something i'm glad i'm not a part of. But all the best to them if thats what they like. I'm sure they will realise what it is like to view "this type of social interation" from the outside one day.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:50 am
by Lós Kasino—
do something man... did u get photos/contacts/etc dude ??
I hate hearing about this shit.. been there with the cops.. it's bullshit!!!


Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:25 am
by CoB
I was going to yell at you for posting that, because I posted it on another thread..

but then I realised the reason I posted it on another thread was because I stole it from you... hehehe

*runs around in circles*


speaking of which.. I still need to buy a fricken helmet...
I got a bike like 3 or 4 weeks ago to ride to work.. but still don't have a helmet and all that other bollox to go with it..

PS. I just turned into a right wing enthusiast.
watch as I amaze you with my brilliantly concocted right wing slogans.

"There is no better feeling than having the wind come off the sails on the starboard side of your vessel"

get it?




maybe you aren't trying hard enough to laugh..

think of puppies.. then it will all come rushing back..

or not.. either way..

think of kittens..

i mean puppies..

i mean porcupines..

i mean.. wait..

what do I mean..

ok, I guess that is enough time for me to not know what i mean before suddenly remembering that the gist of the joke was actually extremely lame, along the lines of starboard being the right, and sails kinda being like wings.. but other than that, my breakfast was quite alright thank you kindly, could you now please get me some fresh milk. none of this 3 day old milk, i want to have the cow right in front of me dispensing the milk like some kind of dispenser of milk, in the way of a cow like creature. yes. the cow like creature would be most likely to be a cow that dispenses milk, and now i shall leave, only allowing myself to say that it better be a dairy cow first.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:17 am
by kronz
kronz wrote:So i have an interesting story from my night to tell.

Friend from work invited me out to the "Hawthorne". I had never been there despite the fact that i have lived 5 mins drive from it for as long as i can remember, in fact i remember it as the governer hotham. So i rock in at 9:15 thinking its a bit early to go out. The next thing that crossed my mind was how "the other half" live. (I should make the point now that i am not claiming i am or people i know are better than anyone). This place was full of 18 year olds (now i look very young so i blended in without a problem), the girls were dressed as if they we begging to get fucked and the boys dressed as if they should be at the peel (no discrimination intended).

Now people can dress how they want, i dont care but it was the way these people behaved that shocked me. All of the girls seemed very superficial. I saw heaps of them looking up other girls, fat girls, not as pretty girls, girls with clothes that were "so last season" i couldn't believe it. I was shocked how shallow some people are (i shop at target "pretty girls" so stick that one up your clacker). I dont socialise with anyone like this, so excuse the naievity but i'm not used to this. All the boys were just tools. Not only were they so full of themselves (the conversations i heared in the toilets, and the fact that ever one of them had to fix themselves up in the mirror) but they treated all of the girls there like shit. Yes, most of the girls were hot but that does not mean they are sex objects. The rude comments etc that i heared guys make to girls was fucked up.

I think the thing i'm trying to get at has two parts, why are most guys such fucking tools (you make the rest of us look bad), secondly, why do lots of girls behave like little tramps and accept this shit?

I must say this was a very random interesting experiance. It was a meat market. I cant believe how the other half live (i'm not trying to sound eleitest or say i'm better than these people).

So apart from seeing lots of guys in pink, lemmon, avacardo and really tight jeans, so tight surly they couldn't have had balls. Along with girls that more or less had their tits hanging out (which did provide some eye candy (sorry for being male)), were so dolled up for a local pub it was stupid, and kept looking other chicks up and down (probably due to some artificialy imposed insercurity) there were some amusing events.

The music that was played was very funny. There was a little "run to paradise" a bit of "blink 182" "cold chisel" some other stuff like top 40 hip hop/top 40 and some 80's retro. Now these dolled up boys/girls were not only tolerating it, they were loving it. I have never seen a dance floor go off like these people did to "run to paradise". But hey good on them if they are enjoying it, and sorry for laughing at them, NOT.

I also witnessed are rather concerning pub fight. It involved about 8, 18 year old males, none of which really punched each other, if you could imagin 2, 80 year olds fighting, thats what it was like. Jimmy Barns wouldn't have been happy at their fighting ability that was been demonstrated by them during k' san.

WHAT REALLY CONCERNED ME WAS HOW THE BOUNCERS TREATED THESE GUYS. They were drunk and did deserve to be kicked out, but these bouncers did over step their power. I saw about 5 bouncers beat the shit out of a little dude (he looked about 12 so i presume he was 18). They draged all the fighting dude out pretty quickly after it started. But continued to miss treat them, a.k.a beat the shit out of them once they were out of the pub.

Now i do not believe in dobbing on people (unless it personally affects you or it is something fucked up like rape, kiddy porn or murder) but i feel the need to contact the police (maybe, they are probably corrupt and will stick up for the bouncers) or some other authority. Now i know i cant say i was in the pub viewing the situation objectivly, coz they'll just go you were drunk and know the dudes and you are trying to make us look bad. I think i'll have to play i was driving past and from what i saw it looked really bad card. Yes these kids were being tools, but they did not deserve to be beaten shitless by some hot head bouncers. I'm sure most of you have had to deal with wanker bouncers at some point in time, and i know they are trying to do their job, but at the same time they can act very unreasonably at times. Take david hooks for example.

WHO DO YOU GUYS THINK I SHOULD CONTACT ABOUT THIS? the poor kids probably needed to go to hospital and will probably be unable to claim assult coz they were drunk in a pub being dicks. Whilst they were tools they do deserve the right to justice like the rest of us.

In sum it was a fucking random night, not something i do often. Gee the "other half" live in a very odd world, something i'm glad i'm not a part of. But all the best to them if thats what they like. I'm sure they will realise what it is like to view "this type of social interation" from the outside one day.

Shit i must have been drunk to be fucked writing that.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:54 am
by PahMaLa
Kronz, I reckon you should play the iI-was-driving-past card because for one cops are wanks and two bouncers probably suck cops balls so they can get away with beating crap out of people.

Yes 18 year olds/mainstream peeps make me sad and sorry for them because "society" & media i.e. magazines, "celebraties" brainwash these poor saps.

But what can ya do.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:13 pm
by killeye
It's bloody windy!

(fart jokes not implied)

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:14 pm
by CoB
thats stragne..
it's slightly windy up here..
farting as well

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:21 pm
by Grey Son
kronz wrote:So i have an interesting story from my night to tell.

Friend from work invited me out to the "Hawthorne". I had never been there despite the fact that i have lived 5 mins drive from it for as long as i can remember, in fact i remember it as the governer hotham. So i rock in at 9:15 thinking its a bit early to go out. The next thing that crossed my mind was how "the other half" live. (I should make the point now that i am not claiming i am or people i know are better than anyone). This place was full of 18 year olds (now i look very young so i blended in without a problem), the girls were dressed as if they we begging to get fucked and the boys dressed as if they should be at the peel (no discrimination intended).

Now people can dress how they want, i dont care but it was the way these people behaved that shocked me. All of the girls seemed very superficial. I saw heaps of them looking up other girls, fat girls, not as pretty girls, girls with clothes that were "so last season" i couldn't believe it. I was shocked how shallow some people are (i shop at target "pretty girls" so stick that one up your clacker). I dont socialise with anyone like this, so excuse the naievity but i'm not used to this. All the boys were just tools. Not only were they so full of themselves (the conversations i heared in the toilets, and the fact that ever one of them had to fix themselves up in the mirror) but they treated all of the girls there like shit. Yes, most of the girls were hot but that does not mean they are sex objects. The rude comments etc that i heared guys make to girls was fucked up.

I think the thing i'm trying to get at has two parts, why are most guys such fucking tools (you make the rest of us look bad), secondly, why do lots of girls behave like little tramps and accept this shit?

I must say this was a very random interesting experiance. It was a meat market. I cant believe how the other half live (i'm not trying to sound eleitest or say i'm better than these people).

So apart from seeing lots of guys in pink, lemmon, avacardo and really tight jeans, so tight surly they couldn't have had balls. Along with girls that more or less had their tits hanging out (which did provide some eye candy (sorry for being male)), were so dolled up for a local pub it was stupid, and kept looking other chicks up and down (probably due to some artificialy imposed insercurity) there were some amusing events.

The music that was played was very funny. There was a little "run to paradise" a bit of "blink 182" "cold chisel" some other stuff like top 40 hip hop/top 40 and some 80's retro. Now these dolled up boys/girls were not only tolerating it, they were loving it. I have never seen a dance floor go off like these people did to "run to paradise". But hey good on them if they are enjoying it, and sorry for laughing at them, NOT.

I also witnessed are rather concerning pub fight. It involved about 8, 18 year old males, none of which really punched each other, if you could imagin 2, 80 year olds fighting, thats what it was like. Jimmy Barns wouldn't have been happy at their fighting ability that was been demonstrated by them during k' san.

WHAT REALLY CONCERNED ME WAS HOW THE BOUNCERS TREATED THESE GUYS. They were drunk and did deserve to be kicked out, but these bouncers did over step their power. I saw about 5 bouncers beat the shit out of a little dude (he looked about 12 so i presume he was 18). They draged all the fighting dude out pretty quickly after it started. But continued to miss treat them, a.k.a beat the shit out of them once they were out of the pub.

Now i do not believe in dobbing on people (unless it personally affects you or it is something fucked up like rape, kiddy porn or murder) but i feel the need to contact the police (maybe, they are probably corrupt and will stick up for the bouncers) or some other authority. Now i know i cant say i was in the pub viewing the situation objectivly, coz they'll just go you were drunk and know the dudes and you are trying to make us look bad. I think i'll have to play i was driving past and from what i saw it looked really bad card. Yes these kids were being tools, but they did not deserve to be beaten shitless by some hot head bouncers. I'm sure most of you have had to deal with wanker bouncers at some point in time, and i know they are trying to do their job, but at the same time they can act very unreasonably at times. Take david hooks for example.

WHO DO YOU GUYS THINK I SHOULD CONTACT ABOUT THIS? the poor kids probably needed to go to hospital and will probably be unable to claim assult coz they were drunk in a pub being dicks. Whilst they were tools they do deserve the right to justice like the rest of us.

In sum it was a fucking random night, not something i do often. Gee the "other half" live in a very odd world, something i'm glad i'm not a part of. But all the best to them if thats what they like. I'm sure they will realise what it is like to view "this type of social interation" from the outside one day.
I see what you mean mate.. But you have to look at it this way: I would understand if all these people rocked up to your favourite breaks night or DnB night that you would be concernd. But going to a place like that is like going to India and complaining about there being to many indian people. The guys and girls at those joints are just not doing things you or i are doing and are probably pretty happy with there choice. I can only imagine someone from the outside rockin up to a Nosia gig going" these people are fuckin nuts" and walking out. I agree with ya 100% but i guess my point is stay away from bars that play "run to paradise" :wink: :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:05 pm
by mecka
Serves u right for goin to the Hawthorn? lol.

Seriously though, I hate most teenagers and the way they act is inexcusable. Especially whilst drunk. And the reaction of the bouncers may have been a little overwhelming, but ... ah meh fuck it can't be bothered.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:29 pm
by cha_chaos
yeah kronz: definately report it... prolly try police cause if they /do/ react it will be helpful.

oh and welcome to the mornington peninsula (and my high school) that "other half" is defiantely an experience to withstand.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:01 pm
by ADD_Boy
:smt006 from Krakow.Poland.

Europe rocks !!! :D :D :D 8) 8) 8)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:18 am
by DBoy
OH MY GOD! Krakow! was just telling a story about that town.




Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:39 am
by CoB
krakow aye..
why does that name sound familiar..
yet.. not in relation to poland...

i swear there is a town very named similar somewhere else.

somewhere like.. earth!

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:26 am
by elysium
howdy there DBoy and CoB :wave:

morning everyone :D