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the post whatever is in your clipboard thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:05 pm
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3
just control v and see what is there.


im not that bored

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:07 pm
by jungle_tactics

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:09 pm
foreach my $file (@files)
$file =~ /\w+_\w+_\w+_(\w+)_\w+/;
if (&Date_Cmp(&ParseDate($1),$FILE_DEL_DATE) < 0)
unlink "$LOCAL_DIR/$file";
print "Deleting $file as it is older than $MAX_FILE_AGE days\n" if ($debug);

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:10 pm
by lynt

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:11 pm
by julesyG
ORDER BY [SpecialOffer].[BookBefore] DESC


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:12 pm
by DBoy
1. The L1colour LED light string which goes along the for meters and meters is approx $9K. We are getting rid of it . It is only decorative and we don't need it so it is out.
2. The S1 lights are $$750 each and we have 10 of them. We need a cheaper alternative.
3. P8 and P6 are also very expensive fittings... could we have a look at options. . there are 4 p6 lights in the internet area where down lights probably suffice. .Some of the Studio Italia lights are pretty pricey.
4. We have made a small office which obviously needs its own lighting so maybe some fairly cheap down lights will do the trick.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:12 pm
by lynt
^^^ hahaha word!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:20 pm
by flippo
Libname ShkArc1 'c:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\Arc';
Libname ShkArc4 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\Arc\Masaaki';
Libname ShkGen1 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkGeneral';
Libname ShkFem1 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\General';
Libname ShkMatU 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\MatU';
Libname ShkMatB 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\MatB';
Libname SLnMatU 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\MatULn';
Libname SLnMatB 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\MatBLn';
Libname SBSMatB 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\MatBBS';
Libname SSAMatB 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\MatBSA';
Libname ShkOcyt 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\Ocyt';
Libname ShkPups 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\Pups';
Libname ShkEggs 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\Eggs';
Libname ShkEmbs 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Female\Embs';
Libname ShkEmb1 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Embryos';
Libname ShkMal1 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Male\General';
Libname ShkMatGI 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Male\General\MatGI';
Libname ShkMatMI 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Male\General\MatMI';
Libname ShkMatCI 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkRep\Male\General\MatCI';
Libname ShkSto0 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkSto\General';
Libname ShkSto1 'C:\TIW\Data\Sasdata\ShkSto\General\Work';

Come on people someone must have something funny in there. Ingeniously random thready by the way AO.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:33 pm
by lucas
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green leaders spoke out against efforts by law enforcement to target Critical Mass, defending cyclists' right to assemble.

Critical Mass, which holds mass bicycle rides to celebrate the bicycle as a healthy alternative to the automobile, has been the target of recent mass arrests and confiscation of bicycles.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:40 pm
by jungle_tactics
lucas wrote:..and confiscation of bicycles.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:48 pm
by fmf
nuclear physics joy

Z E (keV) sigma (barns/atom) ln E ln Z ln sigma
48 6 8.87E+04 1.791759469 3.871201011 11.39308281
48 8 4.15E+04 2.079441542 3.871201011 10.63272555
48 10 2.27E+04 2.302585093 3.871201011 10.03144092
48 15 7.47E+03 2.708050201 3.871201011 8.918476234
48 20 3.35E+03 2.995732274 3.871201011 8.115969078
49 6 9.59E+04 1.791759469 3.891820298 11.47118638
49 8 4.50E+04 2.079441542 3.891820298 10.71341727
49 10 2.47E+04 2.302585093 3.891820298 10.11387003
49 15 8.13E+03 2.708050201 3.891820298 9.003476091
49 20 3.65E+03 2.995732274 3.891820298 8.202290647
50 6 1.04E+05 1.791759469 3.912023005 11.54771329
50 8 4.86E+04 2.079441542 3.912023005 10.79209872
50 10 2.68E+04 2.302585093 3.912023005 10.19432713
50 15 8.83E+03 2.708050201 3.912023005 9.086465066
50 20 3.97E+03 2.995732274 3.912023005 8.286798413
51 6 1.12E+05 1.791759469 3.931825633 11.62384053
51 8 5.25E+04 2.079441542 3.931825633 10.86862559
51 10 2.89E+04 2.302585093 3.931825633 10.27266896
51 15 9.58E+03 2.708050201 3.931825633 9.167422432
51 20 4.31E+03 2.995732274 3.931825633 8.369690366

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:50 pm
by AJ
club listings joy

thursday night @ Rouge Bar, the night is called CAN CAN @ ROUGE 199
COMMERCIAL ROAD PRAHRAN.The thursdays will never be the same again. Dj's
include Kane Dignum, Anyo, Spacey Space. Guestlist KANE 0433113459 LANGAS

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:51 pm
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3
no can do..
*** 06-Apr-2005 08:58:29 Hung.Nguyen ***

*** 8:40:27 06-Apr-2005 ADMIN ***
Media Advisor OZTAM - Metro TV

I urgently need this put back as part of Corporate Applications/Media
Applications - the only way I can access this is via Citrix - which is
extremely slow - keeps freezing & kicking me out & I cannot print the
data -
Please call if there is a problem but I need to access this urgently.



Joan Ryan

Trading Director

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:52 pm
by nhd ... ials/1637/

i think that was a tbone commerical for MTV>

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:58 pm
by Hatsudai

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:36 pm
by shepherd

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:00 pm
by system
ah cheltenham.. will it's popularity never end? :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:14 pm
by system

Code: Select all

    private function filterTags($source) { 
        // filter pass setup 
        $preTag = NULL; 
        $postTag = $source; 
        // find initial tag's position 
        $tagOpen_start = strpos($source, '<'); 
        // interate through string until no tags left 
        while($tagOpen_start !== FALSE) { 
            // tag setup 
            $fromTagOpen = substr($postTag, $tagOpen_start); 
            $tagOpen_end = strpos($fromTagOpen, '>'); 
            $tagOpen_nested = (strpos(substr($fromTagOpen, 1), '<')+1); 
            $tagOpen_length = $tagOpen_end - 1; 
            $currentTag = substr($fromTagOpen, 1, $tagOpen_length); 
            // iterate through tag finding attribute pairs - setup 
            $tagLeft = $currentTag; 
            $attrSet = array(); 
            $currentSpace = strpos($tagLeft, ' '); 
            // is end tag 
            if (substr($currentTag, 0, 1) == "/") { 
                $isCloseTag = TRUE; 
                list($tagName) = explode(' ', $currentTag); 
                $tagName = substr($tagName, 1); 
            // is start tag 
            } else { 
                $isCloseTag = FALSE; 
                list($tagName) = explode(' ', $currentTag); 
            // this while is needed to support attribute values with spaces in! 
            while ($currentSpace !== FALSE) { 
                $fromSpace = substr($tagLeft, ($currentSpace+1)); 
                $nextSpace = strpos($fromSpace, ' '); 
                $openQuotes = strpos($fromSpace, '"'); 
                $closeQuotes = strpos(substr($fromSpace, ($openQuotes+1)), '"') + $openQuotes + 1; 
                // another equals exists 
                if (strpos($fromSpace, '=') !== FALSE) { 
                    // opening and closing quotes exists 
                    if (($openQuotes !== FALSE) && (strpos(substr($fromSpace, ($openQuotes+1)), '"') !== FALSE)) 
                        $attr = substr($fromSpace, 0, ($closeQuotes+1)); 
                    // one or neither exist 
                    else $attr = substr($fromSpace, 0, $nextSpace); 
                // no more equals exist 
                } else $attr = substr($fromSpace, 0, $nextSpace); 
                // last attr pair 
                if (!$attr) $attr = $fromSpace; 
                // add to attribute pairs array 
                $attrSet[] = $attr; 
                // next inc 
                $tagLeft = substr($fromSpace, strlen($attr)); 
                $currentSpace = strpos($tagLeft, ' '); 
            // deals with nexted tags 
            if (($tagOpen_nested < $tagOpen_end) && ($fromTagOpen[$tagOpen_nested] == '<')) { 
                $preTag .= substr($postTag, 0, ($tagOpen_start + ($tagOpen_end - $tagOpen_nested) - 1)); 
                $postTag = substr($fromTagOpen, $tagOpen_nested); 
                $tagOpen_start = strpos($postTag, '<');             
            // doesn't contain nested tag 
            } else $preTag .= substr($postTag, 0, $tagOpen_start); 
            // appears in array specified by user 
            $tagFound = in_array(strtolower($tagName), $this->tagsArray);             
            // remove this tag on condition 
            if ((!$tagFound && $this->tagsMethod) || ($tagFound && !$this->tagsMethod)) { 
                // reconstruct tag with allowed attributes 
                if (!$isCloseTag) { 
                    $attrSet = $this->filterAttr($attrSet); 
                    $preTag .= '<' . $tagName; 
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($attrSet); $i++) 
                        $preTag .= ' ' . $attrSet[$i]; 
                    // reformat single tags to XHTML 
                    if (strpos($fromTagOpen, "</" . $tagName))    $preTag .= '>'; 
                    else                                                                $preTag .= ' />'; 
                // just the tagname 
                } else $preTag .= '</' . $tagName . '>'; 
            // find next tag's start 
            $postTag = substr($postTag, ($tagOpen_start + $tagOpen_length + 2)); 
            $tagOpen_start = strpos($postTag, '<');             
        // append any code after end of tags 
        $preTag .= $postTag; 
        return $preTag; 

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:19 pm
by lynt
one gripe i have is "explode" being called "explode"


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:21 pm
by system
if the name was changed it'd make the reverse function, "implode", look pretty silly though. :)

how about "Dim" though, that always gets me. :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:23 pm
system wrote:if the name was changed it'd make the reverse function, "implode", look pretty silly though. :)

how about "Dim" though, that always gets me. :lol:
I like "fork"

I know it makes sense but I'm always like "heheheh fork"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:25 pm
by Lephrenic

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:29 pm
by system
jbs wrote:
system wrote:if the name was changed it'd make the reverse function, "implode", look pretty silly though. :)

how about "Dim" though, that always gets me. :lol:
I like "fork"

I know it makes sense but I'm always like "heheheh fork"
yeah, I'm the same with "crack_check". pure Calvin Cunningham bizzo. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:00 pm
by Spherix

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:02 pm
by lynt

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:23 pm
by jungle_tactics
"then again, a bar fridge would be just as good"

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:37 am
by lynt
Ben Affleck goes to the doctors and says,
"Doctor doctor, every time I look in the
mirror I get aroused."

The doctor replies, "I'm not surprised...
you're a cunt."

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:40 am
by quick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:00 am
by nic
rodeo wrongens

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:06 am
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:20 am
by Shadowgames

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:27 pm
by TimmyG

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:29 pm
by sneaky hands
Column Name Column Datatype Column Null Option Column Comment Physical Only Is PK Is FK Source Table/s SourceField(s) Business Rule Transformations/ Error Conditions
EXPOS_UNCVRD_LGD_R DECIMAL(16,9) NULL The rate applicable to the uncovered portion of an exposure. NO NO NO Comes from CRisk None
EXPOS_UNCVRD_PD_R DECIMAL(16,9) NULL The rate applicable to the uncovered portion of an exposure, representing an estimate of the likelihood that a default will occur within a twelve month period. NO NO NO For FIRB and AIRB will come from CRisk, FIRB also has adjustments applied in Pack 3. Not applicable for Stdised None
EXPOS_UNCVRD_EAD_A DECIMAL(21,6) NULL Uncovered portion of exposure - the amount of exposure not covered by any eligbile credit risk mitigation. NO NO NO For FIRB and Stdised calculated in Pack 3.2, for Advanced will come from CRisk None

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:55 pm
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3
Sometimes its hard for us to accept that there are links on the internet without a destination - hypertext links to nothing. Many of us question why this happens? how can it be that there is nothing to link to? who is responsible for this? It saddens us to think that the children of tomorrow will inherit a virtual world of broken links and missing content. I received a phone call from teebee today and he asked me to share his thoughts on this matter. He was very sad at the start of the phone call - he repeated what he said in his previous message that he wants us to meditate for 2 hours or more so that we can move from darkness to light. He also said that we should initiate more people to this cause and help others to find the links that link together. Finally teebee said we can do this with or without a new beat or new bassline - what's important he said is that we find all the missing links together and eradicate the world from the evil terror of the 404 error.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:00 pm
by lynt

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:01 pm
by sweetcheeks
I took her home that day on the beach and that she would remain with me and keep me complete was a matter unspoken. To recount the story to the ones that are charmed by my continual need for her it is a comical tale of a strange girl and a man who had been waiting all his life for her to arrive. Of course I treasure this memory for the fact that that is when I ceased to trudge along singularly and solidly and instead walk steadily with her hand soft in my own. But what truly strikes me with this memory is the feel of the wind on my face as I watched her, the slight briny film that settled on my lips as I licked them wishing I could lay my tongue upon the surface of her instead. I had lived in Brighton near this shitty sea for so long and these things had never even registered. What lived and breathed and swirled around me all those years before her, whilst I plodded along oblivious to everything but my thoughts and the tentacles of my imagination reaching outward and spreading, gripping tight as always?

bit too quiet in the country there young josh? try also

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:01 pm
by quick
*** ID OK ***
Bundled Products: LAT, OTV & HSD
Referred Product: OTV
Customer Saved: No
Solution Offered: $15 x 6months
Service Number: 0297968185
Disc Fee Applied: $
Disconnect Reason: Not use
CMBS Changes Made: disc otv

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:18 pm
by ADD_Boy
SELECT Str(Month(test.TS_CREATION_DATE))+'/1/'+Str(Year(test.TS_CREATION_DATE)) AS CreateDate, Str(Month(testcycl.TC_EXEC_DATE))+'/1/'+Str(Year(testcycl.TC_EXEC_DATE)) AS ExecDate, TestCycl.TC_STATUS, Count(TestCycl.TC_STATUS) AS CountOfTC_STATUS FROM TestCycl INNER JOIN Test ON TestCycl.TC_TEST_ID = Test.TS_TEST_ID GROUP BY Str(Month(test.TS_CREATION_DATE))+'/1/'+Str(Year(test.TS_CREATION_DATE)), Str(Month(testcycl.TC_EXEC_DATE))+'/1/'+Str(Year(testcycl.TC_EXEC_DATE)), TestCycl.TC_STATUS
Number of Defects per project
SELECT Count(BG_BUG_ID) AS NumberofDefects From Bug
Number of Defects for the previous month
SELECT Count(BG_BUG_ID) AS NumberofDefects From Bug where STR(MONTH([BG_DETECTION_DATE])) = STR(MONTH(DATEADD(month, -1, GetDate()))) AND STR(YEAR([BG_DETECTION_DATE])) = STR(YEAR(GetDate()))
Defects by Template Fields

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:20 pm
by breaksRbest
fuck I'm stoked I don't do that kinda work, It'd do my farken head in. especially after a hard weekend :?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:28 pm
by great_magnet
breaksRbest wrote:fuck I'm stoked I don't do that kinda work, It'd do my farken head in. especially after a hard weekend :?
Word, nightmare. :?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:31 pm
by scotty woo hoo
Carriers providing service from Canada to Australia and New Zealand have advised, due to increased operating and administrative costs, of a General rate Increase to be effective 1st July 2005 on all trade southbound to Australia and New Zealand.



20 ' GP : USD 250.00 PER CONTAINER

40 ' GP : USD 500.00 PER CONTAINER

If you have any queries on this matter please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Yours Faithfully,

Tony Moran

Import & Sales Manager

Specific Freight Pty Ltd

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:32 pm
by Lós Kasino—
breaksRbest wrote: It'd do my farken head in.
and you'd consistantly bang it against a hard brick wall...

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:57 pm
by ADD_Boy
T I C K A wrote:
breaksRbest wrote: It'd do my farken head in.
and you'd consistantly bang it against a hard brick wall...
yep BADLY , where u think i got the idea for my avatar!! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:54 am
by lynt
people -> find a buddy -> by email

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:56 am
by system

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:42 pm
by TimmyG
A web based bulk SMS messaging service was developed to begin with using proper SMPP and HTTP SMS service provider links. Following the successful implementation of the web based service I developed an XML based SMS interface that had the capability of sending bulk text, picture, logo and monophonic ringtone messages. Both the web and XML services were implemented in the C programming language. It was at this stage the switch to Java was made for all my development work as I found it more geared towards the rapid application development nature of wireless messaging services. Next I developed Premium SMS promotion systems, capable of running instant win competitions, quizzes and any other kind of marketing promotion you care to think of that can operate with an unlimited size subscriber base. As well as the promotions, I integrated SMS into HTTP and email based services to complement the company’s already large range of SMS solutions. Towards the end of my time at YouSMS I started looking more into wireless content based services, including MMS and WAP, the content you can send to today’s mobile handsets and Java based applications to deliver the content.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:08 pm
but fucking tell me this isn't good (albeit cheese as hell):

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:05 pm
by Shadowgames

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:07 pm
by Ag3nT[]0raNg3
Adelaide - one 30 secs spot

w/c 19/06
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100
Thu 2030-2130
Thu 2130-2230

w/c 26/06
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100

w/c 03/07
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100
Thu 2030-2130
Thu 2130-2230

w/c 10/07
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100
Thu 2030-2130
Thu 2130-2230

Perth - one 30 secs spot

w/c 19/06
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100

w/c 26/06
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100

w/c 03/07
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100
Thu 2030-2130
Thu 2130-2230

w/c 10/07
Mon 2030-2130
Tue 1930-2100
Thu 2030-2130
Thu 2130-2230

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:13 am
by jungle_tactics
Imitation Sex Poodle.