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ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mala

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:18 pm
thread keeps getting locked off, but here's the cut and paste. Gotta love public arguments

'Yea starting a new thread since that one got locked and I can't give my side of this argument

I've been a producer for 14 years and don't have much to show for it yet so I'm not quite sure wtf you are going on about doing this for the money your talking out your arse. Where you actually a mate you might have bothered to send me a text congratulating me on my wedding or mabeye at least tried to ring me in the last 3 months after you blew out at the last minute DMZ, my wedding and my stag etc. The reason im kicking off on here is not bcos im pissed off with any lack of success on my part its bcos I think you've taken me for a fucking mug - I don't need no part time mates who can't even be arsed to give me any public credit for the help (interviews etc) ive given them, now please stop using my fucking bass presets (think Dark skies) unless your going to give me a mention. Don't pretend its anything otherwise you know full well I asked to be mentioned as engineer on that Deep Medi release years ago spent 7 hours round your house basically finishing the mixdown for you just like with all our other collab mixdowns - probably wouldn't ever have mentioned it but since you seem to be pretending I don't exist I'm calling u out.

Your a fucking sneaky cunt making up for your lack of musical and production skills through politics looking out for yourself a lot more than anyone else, your right you are in the inner circle and you've done fuck all to help me get ahead despite my help so thanks pal with friend like you who need enemies? Easy to write music when someone else does all the hard work for you and builds your computer plus fills it up with all their own data/samples/presets etc - wonder if you'd even be producing if I hadn't done all that shit for you, takes a long time to actually collect and make all that stuff yourself instead of having it put on a plate for you.

BTW since we're talking about making money might be a good time to mention your mate Mala aka MC Malibu used to be a fucking minor pop star (didn't he go on tour with boyband blue or something?) in the 90's so don't to me about integrity its a bit like someone going to a whorehouse then becoming the pope.

Since as you rightly say I'm not in the inner circle of this joke of a scene and not getting much radio support I don't exactly have much to lose by telling a few home truths here do I?
Last edited by rob sparx on Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:35 pm, edited 2 times in total. '

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:34 pm
Blasphemy, re: Mala

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:48 pm
haha, MC Malibu, what a name!

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:00 pm
by fooishbar
yeah, with coki he was malibu & coke


Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:48 pm
by Stryfe
It does make a change from every second thread crapping on about what has happened to dubstep :tard:

Tunnidge has now thanked Rob for using his presets on his latest Deep medi tunes.

Problem solved? Time will tell...

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:36 am
by kiss & tell
hmmmm was talking to me about this when he was in Melbourne, he needs to start producing Juke or UK Funky as it seems like a more fun group of producers anyway

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:57 am
by nic
where is teh original post
sounds unhinged lol

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:03 pm
^^got deleted, i saw this on grimeforum, someone grabbed it befroe the thread got taken down

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:08 pm
by youthful_implants
poor old Rob Sparx. The music industry is competitive enough without your mates shafting you as well.

Re: ROB SPARX kicking off on dubstepforum re: Tunnidge + Mal

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:15 am
by kiss & tell
any updates on this?