Unsubtle Discussion

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Unsubtle Discussion

Post by mixtress »

I was just watching some YouTube vids about LSD experiments and psilocybn and mescaline. I've tried a lot of drugs, but have only tried one in a controlled environment (heroin). I'm beginning to think that since my drug days are numbers, perhaps I should concentrate on the scientific side of things to determine the exact effect they have on me psychologically. I've always been interested in drugs for this reason but have usually just enjoyed them, without taking into consideration the actual effect on my mind and body.

I know LSD has a marvellous effect in terms of expanding the mind, and Aldous Huxley said it perfectly when he titled his book "Doors Of Perception". Depending on the brain the LSD user starts with, it tends to help you experience 'life' in all objects, seeing new and interesting things for the first time with this brand new perception.

Ecstacy has a similar but far less detrimental, more basic effect, wherein you feel less likely to be judged and can feel free to open your crazy thoughts onto unsuspecting minds and feel accepted by the response you receive. Colours are enhanced even though your vision is often soft lensed.

I've never tried mushrooms or mescaline...the only two that I can think of that I'm actually missing from my list.

For curiosities sake, does anyone have any world altering, perception enhanced stories to tell? I know that I have trouble relating certain things to my boyfriend, who has never tried any illegal psychodelic drugs. I have told him about my own experiences of which I think he scoffs a little, thinking it's just my way of thinking that causes such effects.

I had an experience on LSD once at the Stamford Plaza hotel. It was my second ever trip and we took it shortly after checking into the room. By the time the trip hit us, we were hungry and tried to open a packet of Jelly Belly's, which fell all over the floor. I had been looking for the Blueberry ones so I could make Blueberry Pie (bb + coconut...hhhmmm).

I looked down onto the carpet to see this:

The blue Jelly Belly's disappeared in the sea of blue dots on the carpet. I was on my hands and knees in seconds trying to find them and I coulnd't see even one. Knowing that they were there, just camouflaged so well within the carpet, I looked up at my partner and said "it's hopeless, we'll never find them now!" Then I laughed for 45 minutes at the very thought of a professional, well adjusted person like myself crawling across the floor of a 5 star hotel, looking for Jelly Belly's that didn't want to be found.

Another time, I stared at an MC Escher print on the wall for 3 hours, watching the dragons shapeshift and crawl along the paper to there destination. It wouldn't stop and only by dragging my eyes away was I released from their hypnotic grip.

I know I'm not the only one to have such experiences. Please share your most profound moments on psychodelic drugs with me. How do they effect you individually and together? Were you ever scared of what you saw, thought, felt?

Enquiring minds...
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Post by mecka »

$10 says this devolves into pointless debate over the legailty and usage of drugs as opposed to "profound moments".

edit: i'm not meaning to be negative, i'm simply going on what happens whenever a thread about drugs is started on this board.
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Post by Lauer »

I've had a lot of fun with shrooms over the years...

I've had geometric patterns appear on walls, staying in the exact same position, wherever i went. I would poke my head around the corner and it was there, go into another room and come back and its in the exact same spot, only to fade away eventually but not moving even one inch. It was stuck there and i couldn't trick it.

Colours appearing and taking different shaps and shooting around the room.

Faces on posters changing, hair travelling down faces into beards and other hair styles and people.

Shadows doing different to what an object or person is doing, rooms turning into bubbles and intense playground of colour, design and heaps of other shit.

Layered atmospheres of patterns...

too much to mention.

Coming up on shrooms is almost a bit like pills for me, a lot of serotonin ...or with shrooms sake i think psilcybin mimmicks serotonin not releasing it. Dont quote me on that.
Little Evil

Post by Little Evil »

There was the night Shifty knuckled a ten-pack while in the heat of a gig - but that's another story. :cyclopsani:
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Post by mixtress »

Lauer wrote: I've had geometric patterns appear on walls, staying in the exact same position, wherever i went. I would poke my head around the corner and it was there, go into another room and come back and its in the exact same spot, only to fade away eventually but not moving even one inch. It was stuck there and i couldn't trick it.
THAT is fascinating. I swear, this is like unscientific proof that we haven't even touched the surface of what our brains are capable of. Or how fragile they are...

The hairy beard part is kinda freaky too. I've only ever hallucinated once. Tried to go to bed way too early while visiting with Uncle Sid and found myself having a doona struggle with 10 little green men. They were pinning my doona down so I couldn't get out, like a flat tent. Highly disturbing :shock:

Mecka, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. In the meantime, tell me a story dammit!!

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Post by flippo »

The Mixtress wrote:unscientific proof
is there such a thing?
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Post by Lauer »

The Mixtress wrote: The hairy beard part is kinda freaky too.
By the way, that was on the poster not on a real person.

Oh and i could walk right up close to those geometric petters on the wall and they had almost perfect lines/clarity.
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Post by Polecat »

flippo wrote:
The Mixtress wrote:unscientific proof
is there such a thing?
It's a bit of a weird phrase isn't it flippo. Perhaps it's better to say unverified data?
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Post by mixtress »

Polecat wrote:
flippo wrote:
The Mixtress wrote:unscientific proof
is there such a thing?
It's a bit of a weird phrase isn't it flippo. Perhaps it's better to say unverified data?
I dun aren't the most eloquent lady on the board :wink:
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Post by mixtress »

Lauer, I've had some fantastic visuals with a poster of deep sea dolphins ducking in and out of the water. If I stayed still long enough and stared at one spot, my peripheral vision made the water appear to be lapping and moving. I felt I could get my hand wet if I touched it.

Even after the drug wore off, I could still bring on the effect. Weird :shock:
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Post by MR B »

The Mixtress wrote:Lauer, I've had some fantastic visuals with a poster of deep sea dolphins ducking in and out of the water. If I stayed still long enough and stared at one spot, my peripheral vision made the water appear to be lapping and moving. I felt I could get my hand wet if I touched it.

Even after the drug wore off, I could still bring on the effect. Weird :shock:
that is weird! but sounds like fun :shock:
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Post by obliveus »

You mean people actually use acid and mushrooms for more than wart removal and pasta sauce?

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Post by elysium »

Lauer wrote:I've had a lot of fun with shrooms over the years...

I've had geometric patterns appear on walls, staying in the exact same position, wherever i went.
:scr1pt: exactly the same experience... but with 3D texture. I was at my friend's place and I walked into a room a couple of times (which I later found out to have plain white walls) and the walls were covered in an amazing, intricate, raised detail...

Having a shower on shrooms is a bit of an experience also... it felt like I could feel each drop hitting and going through me.

Looking in a mirror on any hallucinogen is a baad idea.

Had some interesting acid experiences including feeling like myself and my b/f at the time were one person or symbiotic in some way and that I was actually walking through him... Also getting past, present and future all scrambled up and having weird weird experiences with deja vu.

I'm not so sure about the whole drugs "opening your mind" thing though. I often wonder if it just makes the minutiae in life seem terribly important / funny / significant. I don't touch any psycadelics now and I think my brain operates better and I am more creative than when I did.
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Post by mixtress »

elysium wrote:Looking in a mirror on any hallucinogen is a baad idea.
Tell me about it! :shock:
elysium wrote:I'm not so sure about the whole drugs "opening your mind" thing though. I often wonder if it just makes the minutiae in life seem terribly important / funny / significant. I don't touch any psycadelics now and I think my brain operates better and I am more creative than when I did.
Agreed, in some sense. I think you're right in that you have a way of noticing the little things a lot more, and their significance is hightened...but isn't that part of 'opening your mind'? Seeing things, or realising things that always just slipped by your consciouness??

There's no denying drugs fry the brain. But I reckon if even one experience leaves you open to a knew thought pattern, perhaps a little experimentation can be (subjectively) a good thing.

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Post by Terry Tate »

after having a sizeable quantity (approx. 2.5 times regular dose) of 2ct2 after taking 2 pills earlier in the night (2ct2's effects are amplified if you take pills before), my bro and i were chillng listening to dubstep and my reality entirely deconstructed before my eyes. the walls went from shallow breathing to heavy breathing to starting to falls in pieces to be replaced by binary code. everything i looked at would dissolve into code. it was great.
also had some great times on dmt where you can control the hallucinations and i was shaping clouds into huge pictures from the mental imagery i had from some of my favourite books.
my bro who has gone silly on 2ct2, dmt and a bunch of other freaky drugs like that. he's had posters talk to him and had people morph shape in front of him, crazy stuff like that. one time he had to drive somewhere whilst on a whole lot of dmt and his car turned into a giant rainbow serpent. he was sitting just behind the head and controlling the serpent with reins. he was having a great old time until he started to not be able to control the serpent properly and had enough knowledge of what he was doing and where he was to pull his car over and chill out for a while.

as for the ideas of conciousness raising and so forth, i think these things are entirely possible. its just a matter of knowing how to interperet the data gained from these experiments.
my ideas run along these lines -
reality is a construct of a range of different factors varying from physical and emotional experiences to biological and chemcal makeup. each person has their own unique reality and this is formed by the ways they are decoding the signs and signals that are around us. the process of ingesting drugs causes the user to become open or susceptible to new mental imprints or ways of viewing reality. for example, its no secret many people who take pills feel more empathic or understanding whilst on the drug. the trick is to realise that you can carry these new ways of thinking and feeling back with you, but its only a small percentage who realise they can carry this attitude over into their lives.
but if they do change their behaviour, they you can say they have changed their perception and therefore their reality.
i found the walls breaking down into binary code a very significant moment in raising my conciousness in that it helped me to understand that everything that makes up our lives is nothing more than information and its all up to us and the way we translate this information that determines how we act, think and feel.

if youre into this sorta thing mixtress read some of robert anton wilson's books. very intelligent man.
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Post by unsoundbwoy »

obliveus wrote:You mean people actually use acid and mushrooms for more than wart removal and pasta sauce?

for serious i had warts on my hand and took HEAAAAAPS of acid one night and they all died is this like a normal thing?

and mixxy u remember me playing on muhrooms at republica a few years ago??
argh and tashi had given me coke too. lucky im straight edge now. messy days
word of advice after a few goes work+mushrooms=bad idea
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Post by mixtress »

unsoundbwoy wrote:and mixxy u remember me playing on muhrooms at republica a few years ago??
How could I forget?!! You did surprisingly well :wink:

Thanks TerryTate...I'll look him up. :D
I don't wanna get all down on your bro, but driving in such a state is seriously selfish. You can come down from drugs and the experience is over, but if you kill someone the nightmare lasts a lifetime.
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Post by deviant »

elysium wrote:Looking in a mirror on any hallucinogen is a baad idea.
man, mirrors are the funnest things ever when on psychedelics :lol:
Citizen Smif wrote:coke is for mugs.
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Post by mixtress »

deviant wrote:
elysium wrote:Looking in a mirror on any hallucinogen is a baad idea.
man, mirrors are the funnest things ever when on psychedelics :lol:
I don't love what I see at the best of times, acid makes it rather uncomfortable for me. I wonder if everyone see's me the way I do and it freaks me a little. I don't like to be freaked when I'm tripping, so I avoid mirrors wherever possible.
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Post by Spicy »

the mixtress, give mushrooms a go. they're great. aside from the minor visuals that i always get, the mind trip is amazing. they always make me ponder about what's going on in my life right now, and put things into perspective. the visuals are great, but it's what i've learned about myself at the end of the trip is what i cherish most.

aztecs and other ancient colonies from mexico and south america used them (and some people still do) for that purpose.
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Post by deviant »

you should go over to these forums for some pretty in depth drug use and chemical/pharmacological discussion..

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Re: Unsubtle Discussion

Post by paranoid edge »

The Mixtress wrote: Another time, I stared at an MC Escher print on the wall for 3 hours, watching the dragons shapeshift and crawl along the paper to there destination. It wouldn't stop and only by dragging my eyes away was I released from their hypnotic grip.
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Post by mixtress »

deviant wrote:you should go over to these forums for some pretty in depth drug use and chemical/pharmacological discussion..

Yeah I've checked out Bluelight a bit in the past. I wanted to get MB.cer's experiences as well.
paranoidedge wrote:Kew house? What a day!!!!
42 degree heat, 12 hours worth of solid tripping, rolling in the grass...awesome :wink: Doc Felix was HILARIOUS that day. Watching a Rodney Mullen skate vid and replaying some triple kickflip trick over and over again..."the man is GOD! Let's watch it again..."
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Post by RMHC »

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Post by unsoundbwoy »

Citizen Smif wrote:coke is for mugs.
yeh had it 3 times in my life and REALLLYYY don't like it.

but then i dont really enjoy any of them anymore

did I just say that ::sigh
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Post by *catalyst »

I find me and speed don't get along. at all.

Oh god..

I had a really pleasing experience on NYD, started to feel all warm, slightly sick but empowered; I had to go on a walk. I took some long-arse way down to the water and just came to grips with *everything in my life*

Had a slash, wandered back up, listened to Freq Nasty and it all went really well, just felt at peace totally.
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Post by Kirts »

What about peoples experiences with special k? :lol:
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Post by mixtress »

Tried it once, never again. :? I'm all for trying new things, exploring new experiences, but... :shock:

Same with PMA. Horrid, horrid stuff. Your vision turns into staggered images, like a projector running on slo-mo. I hate being drunk and PMA was like 10 times that feeling.

Has anyone actually had a good experience on these two?? I used to know some peeps who would seek out K, but I never understood the attraction :dontknow:
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Post by unsoundbwoy »

i used to love k
its all about dosage control
little often not lots occasionally
one bump at a time
we had a bottle at an old house ;)
but why did i like it. disassociation, feeling like you aren't home. collective hallucination on a whole new level, swapping bodies. having fun being silly. nausea not the most fun. but yeh dosage control
remember that kids
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Post by mixtress »

I think I should have locked you in as a K partner so I could try it under controlled conditions. My first time was definitely not controlled, so maybe that's why it sucked ass so badly.

Questions left unanswered...
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Post by deviant »

k is awesome :)

NEVER TOUCH PMA!!!! not for ANY REASON!! Very dangerous drug.... dosage control is way to sensitive and mixing with any other drugs is very dangerous. PMA has caused many deaths in Australia, particually Adelaide, when sold as E pills. You have been warned ;)
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Post by mixtress »

That's exactly what happened! We thought we were taking regular pills and got so fucked up. It was fucking awful. I felt ill for 6 hours :?
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Post by unsoundbwoy »

aight step up who's poisoning my friends.
fa real i'll fuck em up
who. who.
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Post by Mellogs »

...and basically that's the situation
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Post by mixtress »

unsoundbwoy wrote:aight step up who's poisoning my friends.
fa real i'll fuck em up
who. who.
You are cute G. It was donkeys years ago, and I'm ok now :oops:
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Post by unsoundbwoy »

i like the idea of me getting someone, its pretty funny
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Post by mixtress »


my protector :smt058
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Post by unsoundbwoy »

spiders and drugs, not that crappy picture of webs either

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Post by paranoid edge »

unsoundbwoy wrote:spiders and drugs, not that crappy picture of webs either

I wished caffine still had that effect on me!
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Post by mixtress »

That was funny :smt005
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Post by mixtress »

I've found, since I started taking sleeping pills, that with a little added alcohol, I start writing like HST. Push passed the sleepiness and get straight to the eloquence I forgot was possible to exhume from my brain. I've written many a letter to my beloved under these conditions and somehow my vocab expands and I express myself with little effort. As compared to usual, when I have to think with the most basic of tools.

Edit: I give far too much of myself away when I'm writing in this forum :oops:
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Post by Direkt »

My favourite shroom story was the first time I ever took it.

A good friend of mine gave me around 15 shrooms and 'apparently' told me to take half of them, I.e. there was enough for two there.

For some reason I took the whole lot and also committed what some would call the cardinal sin in shroom taking - I had no weed and I was doing a double dose of shrooms for the first time, by myself.

Anyways, hired what I thought would be some trippy movies... Planet of the Apes and Requiem for a Dream (what the fuck was I thinking?). :shock:

Chowed the shrooms down in some bread and put Planet of the Apes on... thank God that the carpet became much more interesting and I abandonned my ideas of watching any more movies!

The carpet formed into these spiralling white 3D swirls that would move about, climbing and spinning - very cool.

Next was listening to some Bukem whilst lying on my bed, my celing became a 3D graphic equaliser - pulsing to the music, also very cool.

Tupac's face appeared in every leaf in the tree outside my room - that was kinda freaky.

But then I started to freak out... the fucking second hand on the clock kept ticking back and forward, back and forward. Time was going nowhere and I was not straightening up. I hit under the doona for what seemed an eternity only to emerge to discover the second hand still going back and forth.... aaaarrghhh! I started thinking time doesn't exist, it's just a construct - what if I never straighten out!

Eventually I do.

I'm sitting on my small balcony enjoying a beer and some pizza, when out of the blue this massive white cockatoo flies down and sits on the railing half a meter in front of me - staring at me. I start to freak out thinking it's going to attack me, so I negotiate around the door into the safety of the house.
"Nobody's ever gonna believe this", I say to myself as I'm frantically searching for my camera.

I return to the balcony and there's now two of the fuckers sitting side by side looking at me. I snap off a couple of photo's and then return to the lounge room.

For weeks, I told friends of my escapades and everyone said I was tripping and imagining it. Got the film developed a month or so later - and low and behold, there's two massive cockatoo's sitting on my balcony! :shock:

Good times indeed. :lol:

PS: second shroom adventure was at Total Science, Geddes Lane. Freaked the fuck out there too - the celing was shaking with bass everywhere. Had my hoody stolen. Thought people wanted to kill me etc etc. :lol: Acid is more fun.
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Post by ghetto kitty »

I used to take way too much acid. nearly every weekend in the end of high school.

then later, i spent a few outdoor parties not knowing anyone with my bf at the time lost, runnnig through the trees and decided that maybe acid wasnt the best drug for me.

there was a time though, when i was much younger when i LOVED what it offered.
i still pick and dry and save mushrooms, but am not into taking acid anymore.
mushrooms are fucking fantastic though.
I only take em with friends, and in the bush or not in a bulding or city of any kind, and they are like acid, but from the earth IMO. ive seen the rainbows of nature flowing throughout everything, connecting it all, held hands with a friend on a bench, shrunk down to tiny human size and vomited and it was the best thing in the world.

had some feckin STRONG ones in Arizona last time i was there, they grow em in controlled envorinments casue its the middle of the desert,
and laughed for hours at a poor catholic boy on his first trip who was frothing at the mouth, couldnt help it, then watched clouds from a recent tornado that were AMAZING. (took photos of them and later relaised it wasnt just the shrooms, they were amazing!)
spent hours thinknig the most perverse, disgusting, things, and the more i thuoght, 'this is really wrong, i so shuoldnt be thinkning this stuff"
id smile and get even more disgusting....it was great

ketamine > dont like it very much
PMA > havent had it and not interested
speed > havent had for aruond five years and recently re discovered that it is a nessecary evil sometimes.
e > still my favorite drug, which is why i try not to have it too much, want to have some seratonin left when im old.

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Post by almax »

CBF reading all the posts so far but if you want some serious hallucinogen action, get onto some DMT or Salvia, that shit makes Acid and mushrooms looks like water!
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Post by gnat »

my ex and his mates made a kind of tea out of daytura once and take it from me they were seriously seriously fucked up, hallucinating and all over the shop for an annoyingly long period of time
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Post by Direkt »

gnat wrote:my ex and his mates made a kind of tea out of daytura once and take it from me they were seriously seriously fucked up, hallucinating and all over the shop for an annoyingly long period of time
That's the legal stuff right?
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Post by gnat »

Direktor wrote:
gnat wrote:my ex and his mates made a kind of tea out of daytura once and take it from me they were seriously seriously fucked up, hallucinating and all over the shop for an annoyingly long period of time
That's the legal stuff right?
We had a tree in our back yard- big white flowers. My bunnies used to eat them and lay around catatonic all day too

Apparently it is the female (?) version of peyote..

I passed, and considering the ensuing carnage I was glad I did :lol:

Not a big fan of hallucinogenics
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Post by deviant »

not the female version of peyote (which is a form of cactus)....


I've never had it but I was there when three of my mates in high school got taken to hospital... seriously, don't even get tempted... total delirium, they can't even remember most of it. Not worth it.
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Post by gnat »

ok i was misinformed on the peyote thank you daniel

total delirium sounds about right- they were fucktarded sideways, which was funny for about two hours..

no daytura for me
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Post by mixtress »

Almax, tell me more about DMT and Salvia.

Isn't Salvia a herb? I'm sure I've seen the word written on one of the bottles in my Mum's herb collection...
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