Distorting Turntable

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Lós Kasino—
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Distorting Turntable

Post by Lós Kasino— »

Ok.... problem....

One of my 1200's tends to distort alot....

The cart & styli are only bout a month old - so ive ruled that out. And ive played with the weight abit !

I had to use some older wires tho (The 4 coloured ones connecting the cart)
could that be causing interference ??

otherwise, the worst case senario i can imagine is that the RCA outlets are fucked on the turnie ???

any ideas ??
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Post by jules »

yeh sounds like a loose wire somewhere in the equation.
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Post by Direkt »

If you screw the other headshell onto the tonearm of the problem deck you will be able to establish if its the turntable of something on the headshell (wires/needle/cart etc). If the problem only occurs on one of the headshell's - then it may be the wiring.
I had a similar problem with a loose wire... you might need to clamp them onto the pins with some needle-nose pliers.
If you can't find when the problem lies, try swapping the RCA cords - the inputs on the mixer etc... Rule out as much out as u can. Hope that helps somewhat...
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